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第四阶段学习刀法。Phase IV study sword skill.

看他们的刀法就知道不简单。Just look at the way they slice up the meat.

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我明白啦。这个厨师刀法好精湛啊!I see. The chef is so skillful with his knife.

用滚刀法将茄子切成件,拌入1汤匙油后,隔水蒸5分钟至微软身。Chop the eggplant into pieces, toss well with 1 tbsp oil. Steam for 5 minutes.

但你要凿刻的话,请让你的刀法粗一些,并在他的心上刻上—忘恩负义。But if you chisel, let the strike be rude. And on his heart engrave---Ingratitude.

刀法L既有粗犷有力的斧劈刀凿感,又有浑圆细腻娴熟的刻画。Blade L both rough powerful axe chop chisel, and rounded delicate skilled portrait.

拱眼壁上,正面青龙,背面玄武,刻划细腻,刀法娴熟。Arch eye wall, facing the Tsing Lung, and the back of basaltic Kong delicate Daofa skill.

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本课程主要让学生学习如何正确的使用刀法和工具。This course is designed to teach students how to use and handle knives and tools properly.

而且它切西瓜时的刀法就像是水果忍者。Needless to say, it is powerful enough to slice a watermelon effortlessly like Fruit Ninja.

本文介绍的方法是通过浸水润湿风积沙,再用环刀法测定密度。The method which soaks the wind-blown sand before measuring the density by ring sampler is introduced.

在数控车床上,目前常用的对刀方法为试切对刀法。In the numerical control lathe, now commonly used method for the sword to try to cut from gongben wuzang.

传统的篆刻技法除篆法、章法、刀法之外还有做印法。In addition to the traditional carving techniques seal method, the rules, knife there to do outside of India Act.

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老人那双久经沧桑祷告中的手,更被艺术家用简练但精准的刀法表现出来。The artist succinctly and accurately expressed the hands of the old man who experienced many vicissitudes of life.

歹徒没用刀刺中心脏,但准确割伤大动脉,显然是专业刀法。The scoundrel useless knife stabs the heart, but cuts the aorta accurately, obviously is the specialized knife skill.

她的刀法快过电脑的刷新速度,她的名字令江湖玩家闻风丧胆。Her knife method faster than the refresh rate computer, and her name to river"s lake players within earshot lose heart."

学会专业的刀法不但会帮你省下大把的时间,还能让你小小地得意一下。You can save a tremendous amount of time, and also derive a modest pride, in learning how to use a knife professionally.

你要花上数周的时间不时地练习练习才能掌握各种刀法技巧,但一旦学会就再也不会忘记了。It takes several weeks of off-and-on practice to master the various knife techniques, but once learned they are never forgotten.

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利用室内环刀法对三峡库区紫色土土壤水分入渗特性进行了研究。Method of single-ring was employed to study soil water infiltration characteristics of Purple soil in Three Gorges reservoir area.

其技法演变和艺术流派的形成,主要反映在刀法和书法两个方面。The achievement of its techniques and the formation of its artistic schools can be seen both in the cutting and in the calligraphy.

其技法演变和艺术流派的形成,主要反映在刀法和书法两个方面。The achievement of its techniques and the formation of its artistic schools can be seen hath in the cutting and in the calligraphy.