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小业主还贷款难上加难。Small property owners paying back loans.

他们已经这样做了,但却是难上加难……They have been doing that, but it is just harder...

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“变革并非易事,”他说“大的改变更是难上加难”。“Change is hard,” he said, “and big change is harder.

但是要找这样的贴子越来越像沙里淘金,难上加难。But such posts increasingly look like gems among dross.

在当今动荡的经济,它更是难上加难。In today’s turbulent economy, it is even more difficult.

这样,普通大众能得到演出票的机会更是难上加难。That reduces even further the tickets available to Joe Public.

不过和找歌相比,找一首音乐更是难上加难。Comparing to songs, pure music is much more difficult to search.

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而没有强有力的恢复,要去平衡预算更加难上加难。And without a strong recovery, it will be even harder to repair the budget.

这样一来,英国人要找到理由学门外语,就难上加难了。That means Britons find it ever harder to justify learning other languages.

这无疑使得在遥远的未来彻底改变这种状况难上加难。This will make it exceedingly difficult to reverse the trend in the future.

外国品牌,进入日本主流市场是难上加难的。It is extremely difficult for foreign brands to enter into Japan main market.

中国新的中产阶级可能发现获得其珍视的地位象征难上加难了。China’s new middle class could find its cherished status symbol harder to obtain.

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也门地区气候干燥、炎热,要制造蓖麻毒粉,可谓难上加难。Yemen climate dry, hot, Dufen to manufacture ricin, can be described as difficult.

他说,夜里在没有照明设备的条件下,搜寻工作更是难上加难。The searching operation became even harder at night without lighting facilities, he said.

而要寻求一个“真心诚意的联盟”与我们并肩作战将会是难上加难。It will be a lot harder to get any of the "coalition of the willing" to fight with us again.

不用说了,连其是否存在都不可获知,想参观它当然是难上加难。Needless to say, the fact that no one confirms its existence makes it pretty difficult to visit.

本赛季,以上两类情形中都有合适的人选,要选个最佳教练真是难上加难。This season, there are candidates on both sides of the ledger, making it a fairly difficult call.

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冬季时,大雪常造成路面湿滑、险象环生,有时甚至无法通行,让四处环游难上加难。In the winter, there can be a lot of snow that makes roads icy, dangerous and sometimes impassable.

我得到了进出内屋的这种新荣耀后,我感到要继续学校的生活是难上加难了。After my promotion to the inner apartments I felt it all the more difficult to resume my school life.

如果欧元区瓦解,那其成员国迈向富裕将更加难上加难了。If the euro zone crumbles, pulling more of those people toward affluence would surely become much harder.