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这种短刀是插在腰带上面的。This short Dao is girded on waistband.

我眼前看见的是一把短刀吗?Is this a dagger which I see before me.

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短刀是近距离格斗的理想武器。The knife is the ideal weapon for close work.

一把短刀齐柄直插在丽达的左胸上。A knife was plunged up to the hilt in Rita's left breast.

他们携带了匕首和短刀,意图制造流血事件。They were carrying knives and knife with intent to bloodshed.

平民们通常使用弓箭进行狩猎,装备猎弓和短刀。Peasant Archers are accustomed to using their bow for hunting.

更重要的是,这些技术还可以应用到剑和短刀上。More importantly, it is translatable to the sword and to the knife.

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增幅法典总的来说适合于如果你想把游戏时间拖长并配合幸运短刀。Tome first generally means you are planning for a long game with Kage's.

“这可是好钢啊,”他又重复了一遍,一边端详着那把令人生畏的短刀。That's a good bit of steel, repeated he, examining his formidable stiletto.

短刀割伤了她白皙的脖子,鲜血顺着锋刃一滴一滴往下流。Blood ran down her white throat from where the point of his dirk had pricked her.

弓箭民兵装备猎弓和短刀,部分幸运士兵可配备盔甲。Archer Militia are armed with a small bow, knife and if lucky enough, some armour.

十一岁男孩的头皮已经被割破,警方在附近发现了一把Stanley牌的短刀。The 11-year-old boy's scalp had been slashed. The blade of a Stanley knife was found nearby.

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这个店员用一把短刀划开了这条鱼的肚子,把那些湿漉漉的呈浅褐色的内脏扔进桶里。The man slit the creature's belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket.

在店员操起短刀剖开鱼肚,拽出泛着湿气的米黄色内脏丢进了桶里。The man slit the creature’s belly with a short knife, spilling the dewy beige guts into a bucket.

弓箭民兵装备战弓和短刀,由当地平民编练成军,负责城市防御。Armed with a bow and knife these troops are made up of locals who have been organised to defend their town.

现在,他采取了一项警戒措施,就是当他饮酒时,把那把水手用的短刀抽出来放到他面前的桌子上。He had an alarming way now when he was drunk of drawing his cutlass and laying it bare before him on the table.

苏丹奴隶弓箭兵装备复合弓、短刀和轻甲,箭法出色,但近战较为脆弱。Sudanese bowmen armed with a composite bow, and light armour. Good missile troops that should be kept out of melee.

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这些弓箭兵身经百战,训练有素,通常不穿盔甲,以自制战弓和短刀作战。This unit of experienced and well trained archers wear little to no armour and are armed with a self bow and a knife.

他的身边挂一把弯弯的短刀,背后插一个圆圆的嵌着铜块的盾牌,右手握一柄长矛。By his side hung a curving scimitar, a round shield studded with bosses of brass hung at his back, and his right hand grasped a lance.

这些民兵装备战弓和短刀,来自城市社会底层平民,应徵入伍防御外来侵略。Armed with a bow and knife these troops are made up of lower class city dwellers, who are called up to defend their homes in time of need.