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他仓皇出逃,一路悲歌。He fled in panic, all the way Elegy.

这对情侣从家乡私奔出逃。The couple had eloped from their hometown.

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谁是张新明出逃的幕后推手?Who is Zhang Xinming driving force behind the exodus?

投资者的出逃将造成债市恐慌.Fleeing investors would create a bond market stampede.

他们在路上遭到一头克雷特龙的攻击,出逃计划搁浅。An attack by a krayt dragon derailed their escape plans.

他象一头狼,看见笼门开了,总要慌忙出逃。He escaped impetuously, like the wolf who finds his cage open.

逃亡者在1979年从达特穆尔监狱越狱出逃,引起一阵轰动。Fugitives made a sensational prison break from dartmoor in1979.

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这个时候必须要谨慎行事,不过也没必要从股市仓皇出逃。So it is time to be cautious, but not necessarily to flee stocks.

如果您能,风暴女巫的直接出逃,在您旁边是不错。If you can, flee immediately, for the Storm Hag is right beside you.

这个时候必须要谨慎行事,不过也没必要从股市仓皇出逃。So it is time to be cautious , but not necessarily to flee stocks. U.

再看看突尼斯前总统本·阿里,今年初弃国出逃时也为自己备足了1.5吨黄金。And, more recently, Tunisia's Ben Ali fleeing with a ton and a half of gold.

她的出逃第二天就被男子发现了,男子开车赶往新建县。The next day she was the man fled discovered, the man drove rushed new county.

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一些房间可能会需要大窗户,也就是“出路窗”,方便发生火灾时出逃。Some rooms may require large windows, called “egress” windows, for fire safety.

耶和华崇拜就是由这些引入,他们是从埃及出逃的奴隶。The Yahweh cult may have been introduced by people escaping slavery from Egypt.

另一方面,罗秀贤没有执行元凶的指示而私自出逃。On the other hand, Luo Xiuxian did not execute instructions to escape the culprit.

周日,火山喷出的炙热烟尘顺着山坡滚滚而下,数千村民仓惶出逃。Villagers escape as Mount Merapi erupts in Deles village, Klaten, Indonesia, today.

海盗船可能在任何溪流里窥伺,出逃的奴隶则在那些废墟中潜伏。A pirate boat may lurk up any stream, and escaped slaves oft hide amongst the ruins.

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晋国公子重耳因受到迫害,率其支持者出逃。Jin prince Chong'er ran away from the country with his supporters due to persecution.

作为出逃者,你一般会被预料将躲藏起来,为了避免不被发现行踪。As an escapee , you're usually expected to hide out in order to avoid being discovered.

一个军团斥候发现了他救助当地人出逃的行为并把他指证给了一个百夫长。Legionary explorer saw Arcade helping locals escape and pointed him out to a centurion.