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你温柔了我的岁月,冷艳了我的时光。You gently my years, impress me time.

伊人冷艳手掌,甜蜜舌端。Who's cold in hand and sweet on tongue.

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在冷艳的月光下。Under the cool and beautiful moon light.

依据“超级玛丽”电子游戏设想的冷艳的纸杯蛋糕。Amazing cupcakes inspired by Super Mario Bros video games.

当代风格的客房音乐冷艳而宁静的色调,设有1张大号床。The contemporary room, in cool, calm tones, has 1 queen bed.

出于我意料的是她虽然外表很冷艳,但是为人却很热情。Ha-ha, she is so passionate though her appearance is a little cold.

虽是一私人的空场,冷艳了流年。Although is a person's vacant place, startled colorful fleeting time.

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犹如茫茫草原中的一朵郁金香,冷艳却又无比芳香。Like the boundless prairie in a tulip, elegant but overwhelmingly fragrance.

那些时而光鲜靓丽,时而沉着冷艳的模特似乎在人们眼中已经变成了美的代言人。Those beautiful and icy models also have been the prolocutor in person's mind.

菊花开于深秋,所以在人们的心目中是具有“冷香”和“冷艳”的。Blooming in late autumn, it shares the idea of "cold fragrance" and "cold splendor. "

她有点像文学作品里的冷艳天使,对我说一切都会好起来的。Well she was literally a Bart chilly angel, telling me everything was going to be okay.

丹露为了扮演一个需要哀哭喊叫的角色而多少卸下了她那冷艳天后的形象。Deneuve sheds something of her icy diva image in a role that requires her to cry and shout.

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布满生机的色彩加上直切的剪裁让这件衣服令人冷艳,脱颖而出。Shape is straight cut and the colors are so vibrant it looks amazing on and really stands out.

只有沿途冷艳的野菊似乎在提醒你小心脚下的步履。Only along the cool of the Chrysanthemum Meiyan seems to remind you at the foot of the steps carefully.

她以俏皮的语言和冷艳的魅力巧妙地应对着她那些数以万计的殷切的追随者的问题。She parries questions from some of her tens of thousands of avid followers with witticisms and cool charm.

李贺诗歌以瑰诡冷艳著称,其另类的诗风是李贺坎坷人生和独特个性的艺术体现。Li He was known for his rose and elegant beauty, which was a reflection of his life story and his poetry style.

李诗的“冷艳”是从诗人内心深处外放出来的,并呈现为意境、意象、色彩、语言等无所不在的美。This paper focuses on the rose and elegant beauty of the poems in terms of image, situation, color and language.

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冰冰剪了一头短发,穿红色紧身吊带高衩连身裙,展现出修长美腿,腿上绑着黑色枪套,冷艳又性感。Ice cut hair, wearing red Halter high shorts dress, show slender legs, legs wearing black holster, elegant and sexy.

秋天悄无声息的来了,带着她冷艳的气质,某种萧瑟,某种枯黄,以及明亮和清澈的神情。Autumn came in silently, with her ice-temperament, some bleak, some withered and yellow, as well as bright and clear look.

感性和理性于一身,冷艳和火热于一身,幼稚和成熟于一身…只是爱与恨不在一起,只会爱却不会恨。Emotional while rational, cool while hot, childish while mature, but love and hate wont be together as i just know how to love.