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月月年年过去了。Over the months an the years.

商户须预先缴付六个月月费。The fee is a 6-month pre-payment.

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月月在成泽怀里失声痛哭着!Month in Cheng Zehuai is crying loudly!

「哦,知道了。」月月不好意思的吐吐舌头。Oh , I know. On the spit tongue feel shy.

“阳阳,你看谁来了。”月月抱起地上的小宝贝。" Yang, you look who it is. " On hold on baby.

成亚坤像发了疯似的冲到月月面前。Cheng Yakun as the mad rush to the month before.

那些分分秒秒日日月月我永远都要不回来了。Hours and days and weeks I ' ll never have back.

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“泽,我告诉你一个好消息哦。”月月兴奋的说。" Ze, I tell you a good news. " On said excitedly.

李子多吃最伤人,害你茅坑月月蹲。He who eats too many prunes, sits on potty many moons.

“小青!是小青吗?”月月慢慢的朝她走过去。" Little green! Is green?" On slowly walked toward her.

“阳阳?你刚才叫什么?”月月又惊又喜的看着怀里的小宝贝。" Yang? You just call?" On surprised at small arms baby.

你真卑鄙!你恨的是我,为什么要把月月也牵扯进来。You really mean! You hate me is, why the moon is involved.

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小家伙似乎听懂月月的话,咯咯的笑着。The little guy seems to understand on words, with a giggle.

突击手月月超额完成生产指标。A shock worker overfulfils his production quota every month.

“月月,你没事吧?”小青赶紧跑上前去扶住月月。"On, you all right?" Little green rushed forward to hold on.

月月皱了皱眉,全身好像散架了似的,而且肚子也痛。Month frowned, seemed to be falling apart like, and stomach pain.

我月月不落地给你个四便士的角子。Never a month but I've given you a silver fourpenny for yourself.

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满月月蚀将会在6月26日会让事情在启动。The full moon lunar eclipse on June 26 will set events in motion.

在医院住了一个多月,月月的伤势好的差不多了。In the hospital for more than a month, month injury almost better.

月月看着他满头的汗,有些心疼,阳阳可是个十足的调皮鬼。On looking at him with sweat, are distressed, Yang is a very naughty.