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盗贼偷了车,然后在赃物买卖处销赃。The gang stole cars and fenced them themselves.

贩运的野生动物产品往往流入多功能的犯罪销赃网络,同时可导致"派生犯罪",例如官员腐败、伪造证件、恐吓乃至谋杀。This includes corruption of officials, falsification of documents, intimidation and murder.

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根据刑法第496条规定,在知情的前提下收受赃物表明销赃者的这种意图已经转嫁到了你身上。Under penal Code 496, this intent will pass onto you if you knowingly and subsequently receive that property.

从社会安全角度讲,网络是很多非法分子销赃的渠道。See from the perspective of social security, the network is a channel for many black sheep disposal of stolen goods.

警方好像是在收到携带部分失窃珠宝的中间人已经回到法国并打算销赃的消息后才采取此次行动的。It seems they had obtained information that intermediaries carrying some of the stolen jewels had come back to France with the intention of selling them.

“但是他们开始对我左右开弓,拳打脚踢”威廉·卡迪纳因销赃而被捕。"But they started giving me blows left and right" William Cardenas has been wanted on charges of receiving stolen property. The arrest is under investigation.

随着网上购物的普及,不法分子也在网上注册店铺,并公然在网上销赃走私货。Gain ground as what shop on the net, illegal element also registers shop on the net, smuggle goods in the disposal of stolen or contraband goods on the net avowedly.

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现在,盗车贼们变得越来越专业化。他们采取盗车的方法,改变车辆身份的方法和销赃的方法越来越复杂和难以被发现。Thieves are getting more professional. The measures they'll take to steal a car, change its identity and sell it on are more sophisticated and harder to spot than ever.

公司保安与职工合谋,一个月内三次盗窃本企业汽车零部件后销赃,最终难逃法网。The company security and the staff plot together, in after one month three times steals this enterprise automobile spare part disposes stolen goods, runs away difficultly finally the law net.

她指出,好消息是,贸易禁运和激烈的法律制裁产生的遏阻效果,似乎有助于压制古文物的销赃市场,因此可能降低一些抢劫的诱因。The good news, she notes, is that a trade embargo and the threat of stiff legal sanctions seem to have dried up the market for looted artifacts—hence, perhaps, some of the incentive for looters.