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他说话做事总是慢条斯理的。He always speaks slowly and acts unhurriedly.

他打开铁门,慢条斯理地用中文对我说He opened the gate and spoke slowly in my language.

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这个大学生慢条斯理的说,“先生,我相信是昏死过去。”The Aggie replied, "Sir, I believe that would be giddy-up."

在那种慢条斯理,有条不紊的通用公司的天地里,努赤得以发迹。In the slow, well-ordered world of GM, Bunkie Knudsen had flourished.

他们更愿意选择火车、公交车、货轮,甚至自行车等慢条斯理的旅行方式。They prefer to travel more gently, by train, bus, cargo ship, even bicycle.

她慢条斯理、厌倦不堪地走去接电话,脚上穿着袜子。In her stocking feet, she walked steadily, almost languidly, toward the phone.

对于看似和实为更自信的小诀窍就是要慢条斯理。An easy tip for both seeming and being more self-confidence is to speak slowly.

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比西街上挤满了慢条斯理走路的行人,酒吧大门敞开着,路边摆着自行车。DE Buci is alive, crawling, the bars wiDE open and the curbs lined with bicycles.

在梳妆间里她看到杰西卡还在慢条斯理地梳头。Hurstwood encountered Jessica in her dressing-room, very leisurely arranging her hair.

这位慢条斯理的教授说,“我们可以把美国经济看成一座公寓大楼。“Think of the American economy as a large apartment block, ” says the softly spoken professor.

先生慢条斯理地说着,已经很久没有看到内地作家的新书了,听得出话音里带着些许遗憾。"I haven't read new books from mainland writers for quite a while, " he said, a hint of regret in his tone.

同时,在饥火中烧的时候还要慢条斯理地面对食物,从本能上来说就很困难。In the meantime, it is very difficult from the instinct to face the food unhurriedly when you are starving to death.

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这是你的休闲手表,沙滩上,滑雪场,在花园里慢条斯理地劳作时,场合都可以戴。This is your dress-down timepiece, worn everywhere from the beach to the ski slopes or for pottering around in the garden.

这是你的休闲手表,沙滩上,滑雪场,在花园里慢条斯理地劳作时,各种场合都可以戴。This is your dress-down timepiece, worn everywhere from the beach to the ski slopes or for pottering around in the garden.

黑金刚慢条斯理地过来解围,一把将高出文祥半个头的格瑞达拉进房里。Black King Kong slowly ambled over to the rescue and pulled Greda, who was half a head taller than Wen Xiang, into the room.

因而中国人不会像美国人那样对待时间,中国人凡事看得远,显得慢条斯理。Therefore, the Chinese people will not look like the Americans do the time, things Chinese people see far ahead, seemed calm.

花无心悠悠的端起刚刚放在桌沿的茶杯,慢条斯理的抿了一口。Spend not intentional longly began to carry to just put at the table of the cup because emulating, leisurely closed easily one an mouthful.

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走穿许多黄土铺地的大街小巷,街上许多行人,男女老幼,都是“慢条斯理”地互相作揖、请安、问好,一站就站老半天。In the streets were a lot of pedestrians. Men and women, young and old were all bowing to each other and extending greetings in a leisurely way.

我总是慢条斯理地读,然后分析揣摩,然后又重新阅读—甚至阅读的速度变得比平时更慢—然后静坐默思二十分钟,接着才又往下阅读。I would read it slowly, analyze it, read it again—perhaps changing down into an even lower gear—and then sit for 20 minutes thinking about it before moving on.

除了指定的练习以外,至少每隔一小时就应复诵今天的观念一遍,当你慢条斯理地向自己复诵这句子时,同时缓缓地环顾四周。In addition to the assigned practice periods, repeat the idea for today at least once an hour, looking slowly about you as you say the words unhurriedly to yourself.