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登陆火星只是中国的障眼法。The mars business is just a deception.

师傅不要信那猴头,这是猴哥使的障眼法来骗您的。Master, don't believe that monkey, He's treating.

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毒品战争不过是真正意图的障眼法罢了。The drug war is a smokescreen for the real agenda.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It is all a ploy to distract attention from his real aim.

通过这种方法可以制造时间”盲点”,起到障眼法的作用。This could create "blind spots" in time, masking an event.

那纯粹是障眼法,用以分散人们对他真正意图的注意力。It was all a ploy to distract attention from his real aims.

我认为有史以来最好的障眼法是来自凯特琳。I think the best head fake of all time comes from Caitlin Kelleher.

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因此,毕业论文中,“有史以来最佳障眼法奖”将颁发给凯特琳?凯莱赫。So all-time best head fake award goes to Caitlin Kelleher's dissertation.

如果总量管制和交易制度制造出进步的错觉,这就是危险的障眼法。If cap and trade creates a false sense of progress, it's a dangerous distraction.

一位女权主义者,娜奥米-沃尔夫就称她为“即将到来的极权国家的障眼法”。Naomi Wolf, a feminist, calls her "a stalking horse for the coming police state".

如果总量管制和交易制度削弱我们制定强力法律的能力,那麽它就是种障眼法。If a cap and trade proposal weakens our ability to make strong laws, it's a distraction.

师傅不要信那猴头,这是猴哥使的障眼法来骗您的。Master, Don't trust that ape. The brother monkey is deliberately trying to trick you by magic way.

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即使有人偶作为障眼法,腹语表演者仍旧依赖灵媒长年所使用的技巧。Even with their dummy distractions, ventriloquists still rely on the age-old techniques of spiritual mediums.

我们推翻了很多民主政府只是为了美国利益!自由只是一种障眼法给笨蛋来消遣的!We topple plenty democratic governments for USA interest! Freedom is only a smoke screen for the stupids' consumption!

对方的公关部门发布新闻,其实是障眼法,故意要混淆视听。Their PR department made a release that was a deliberate red herring as far as the company's intentions were concerned.

不过,事实上,这些绘画的意义远胜于仅仅吸引我们的眼球,远胜于跟我们的感知力玩障眼法。But in fact the pictures do much more than simply arrest our gaze, much more than play bait-and-switch with perceptions.

不过实话实说,得要很多障眼法才能拍出那么好的吻戏来,我们试试看好了。But to be perfectly honest with you, it takes a lot of smoke and mirrors to look that good kissing. We'll give it a shot.

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可是在检查过面无全非的爆炸现场后,川崎得出了另一个结论,她剖析,这一切但是是突击队的障眼法。But after checking all the face after the blast, drew another conclusion kawasaki, she, it all but is a smoke screen commandos.

伊朗说保持这个计划是为了生产能源,但是西方担心他是为了发展核武器而做的障眼法。Iran maintains that its program is purely for generating energy, but Western nations fear it is a cover for developing weapons.

中国将利用朝鲜去挑衅日本。南海问题不过是中国的障眼法。China will allow North Korea to provoke a response from Japan. The use of the South China Sea is merely a distraction in the region.