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他穿上订制的西服显得气度不凡。He looks distinguished in his custom-made suit.

金色的流苏使整个讲道坛富显华贵,气度不凡。The golden tassels endow the pulpit with garishness and nobleness.

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对阿斯塔纳建筑风格的最好描述就是气度不凡。Astana’s architectural style can best be described as idiosyncratic.

琼斯将军身材高大,气度不凡,他是前任美国海军陆战队司令。General Jones is a tall, imposing former commandant of the U.S. Marine Corps.

当他们看着到猎人切割这只曾经气度不凡的公鹿,有些深感痛心。As they watched the hunter cut up the once noble looking buck , some of them felt sick.

倒是宋江气度不凡,说10两银子区区小数目,小李同志输了就输了吧。Song Jiang grace touches, that a mere 10 pieces of silver small number, Mike lost comrades lose it.

琼斯将军身材高大,气度不凡,他是前任美国海军陆战队司令。他的外貌和举止,可以和已故电影明星约翰。韦恩媲美。General Jones is a tall, imposing former commandant of the U. S. Marine Corps. His looks and demeanor have been compared to those of the late actor John Wayne.

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酒色深红,酒香浓郁,优雅,体质丰满,果香陈杂,丹宁柔和平凡,有很好的酒评,红色马图标,气度不凡。Deep red color to purple, with the pure and graceful fragrance, full-bodied, complex aromas, with soft tannins, well balance in finish, Red Horse, have a very good note.

摈江大道,那里铺满了鲜花绿草,人们可以站在较宽敞的平台上一览浦西外滩气度不凡的美景。Bin Jiang Boulevard. It was surrounded by flowers and plants, people could stand ona broad plaform and view the west of the river, and the exceptional beautiful sceneries.

东郊宾馆,一处境色宜人,气度不凡的尊荣之地,是您豪华婚礼首选之地,更是您留下一生美好记忆的最佳之地。Dongjiao Hotel, a pleasant situation of color, honor the extraordinary bearing, it is your first choice for luxurious wedding is a beautiful memory you left behind his life to the best.