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爱,能唤起所有的眷念。Love, can arouse all of the fondly.

青年人展望未来,老年人眷念过去。Youth look forward and age backward.

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他非常眷念家乡。He finds his hometown greatly changed.

我眷念坡道崎岖的山地Which loves the mountain's craggy side

你的笑容,是我今生无法忘记的眷念。Your smile is my life can not forget her.

永久不变的,心中多了一份对秋的眷念。Permanent change, the mind has a right to feel nostalgic autumn.

我与这艘拖船已经相处两年,对它充满眷念。I'd been with her about two years, and my heart was really in her.

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你现在真的是一无所求了么?不过,我希望你还能有一些眷念…You're living for nothing now, I hope you're keeping some kind of record.

是以,看到本日的周年眷念日作为世界处事日极端有点感动。So it's exciting to see today's anniversary take shape as a national day of service.

就这样流浪,当我倾听在晚风中沙沙作响的树木时,对流浪的眷念撕着我的心。A longing to wander tears my heart when I hear trees rustling in the wind at evening.

他在世界各地周游了三年,但不论走到哪儿,他都眷念着自己的祖国。He had traveled around the world for three years, but wherever he went, he missed his country.

他在世界各地周游了三年,但不论走到哪儿,他都眷念着自己的祖国。He had traveled around the world for three years, but whetever he went , his missed his country.

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对于观众来说,听到一些新的东西总是很有趣的,但她们对于新歌并没有任何记忆或者眷念的感情在里面。For an audience member, it's fun to hear something new, but they have no memory or attachment to it.

福克纳一生共创作出19部长篇小说,其中有15部都是关于那片他所熟悉和眷念的南方土地。Throughout his whole life, Faulkner wrote 19 novels, among which 15 were related to his familiar Southern land.

感谢祖师爷眷念我,让我「求,得最好﹗」不致成为坏男子的猎物。I am hearty thank to my god, let me "pray for my wish, granted the best", prevented me being a prey of impudent men.

在我们成婚50周年眷念日之际,假如我有什么能送给她的话,那就是一份谢谢。If there is something that I would give her for our 50th wedding anniversary, it would be a certificate of gratitude.

她归真多年后,他与其他妻子结婚之时,穆圣还仍然保留着对赫蒂哲的眷念。Long after her death, and when he had married several other wives, the Prophet continued to cherish Khadijah's memory.

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这本书最精彩的部分是在小说第四章最后一页,在那里梅耶叙述了想到自己离开北京时的无限眷念之情。And one of the book's best vignettes occurs on the fourth-to-last page, when Meyer reflects on what he misses about Beijing when he's away.

就连船只也会年老失修而遭淘汰的,对那些曾在船上工作已久并且对其有眷念感的人们来说,最后一次航程避免不了带来伤感。Even ships grow old and have to be destroyed. The last journey of a ship, which people have worked in and grown to love , is always a sad occasion.

看着他们挥手时,我感到真的是对尼尔没有那种眷念之情了,因此,我的内心并不觉得悲哀或后悔,只是有些迷茫。I realised as I looked at them waving that I had very little emotional attachment to Neil really, so I'm not sad or sorry for myself, just a little lacking in direction.