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我没有举手表决。I didn't vote.

大家举手表决So let's have a show of hands.

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好的,很好的举手表决方法。OK. Good hand raising technique.

请大家举手表决好吗?Can I have a show of hands, please?

我们举手表决吧So let's just have a show of hands.

还是请大家举手表决吧Let's have a show of hands actually.

针对该法案的表决日期还尚未排定。That vote hasn’t yet been scheduled.

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我想大家投票表决,谁更美?Well, I'll have a vote ? Who's prettier?

这件事是通过举手表决决定的。The issue was decided by a show of hands.

他高调地称这次表决为“历史的召唤”。He pitched the vote as a "call of history".

我们将口头对这一问题做个表决。We shall take a voice vote on this problem.

省政协委员举手表决,通过多项决议。Resolutions pass through on a show of hands.

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SB5可能会面临一个完整下周表决。SB5 is likely to face a full vote next week.

他们举手表决选出了班长。They chose their monitor by a show of hands.

举手表决选出劳动模范。Model workers were chosen by a show of hands.

他们表决立即招募30万军队。They voted to raise 300000 troops immediately.

生生评价。由学生举手表决最倾向的小组。Ask two groups to show it and tell the reasons.

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这次表决结果通过,四人弃权。Then the vote is unanimous with four abstentions.

星期三还将进行另外一轮程序性表决。There will be another procedural vote on Wednesday.

现行的表决程序亦维持不变。The current voting procedure should also be retained.