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如果标本来路不明,就不能以此为鉴。If the unknown sample, not a lesson.

偶尔有一个来路不明的微小光点一闪而过。Occasionally, a tiny flicker of light passes quickly by , its source a mystery.

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在任何情况下,假冒药品总是来路不明,其成分也不可靠。But in every case, the source of a SFFC medicine is unknown and its content unreliable.

在任何情况下,假冒药品总是来路不明,其成分也不可靠。But in every case, the source of a counterfeit medicine is unknown and its content unreliable.

这是谁的?,-没人的来路不明的钱就像是浮在帐簿上的一层油。Whose is it? -No one's. Just money unaccounted for, floating on top of the books like a layer of cream.

我也只是一个依靠父母生活的孩子,我无法拿父母的血汗钱去帮助一个来路不明的人。I just want a life of their parents to their children, I can not get the parents hard-earned money to help an unknown person.

首先在一个地下室里搜到了大量来路不明的柴火,午夜时分,他们又找到福克斯,旋即被捕。The first search spotted a suspiciously large amount of firewood in a certain cellar. The second, at around midnight, found Fawkes.

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警方承认不知道到底是谁放置现钞。没有人可以说是否有人把来路不明的钱据为己有而没有报警。Police admit they have no idea who is leaving the money. No one can say if more people have collected money and not told the police.

我希望我能记起雷的原话,当他急不可待地打开印刷机,看见封面上来路不明的污点时。I wish that I could recall Ray's exact words, when he eagerly opened the box from the printer, and saw the mysterious stains on the covers.

在黑暗中,人的耳朵会对声音更敏感——偶尔有海鸥发出尖利的叫声,还有各种来路不明的声音。One's ears are more attuned to sounds in the darker hours – the very occasional shriek of a shearwater, the other sounds with no known cause.

你会在便宜而且来路不明的地方买了狗、而在狗狗成长时才问题的严重性。You may purchase a puppy from an unreputable source just to get a puppy at a lower price, and run into many problems with the pup as he grows.

你千万不要回应来路不明的电子邮件,或甚至点击邮件里的连结。这样做通常会导致您收到更多垃圾邮件。You should never reply to unsolicited mail, or even click on the links in the mail. Doing so usually results in more junk mail being sent to you.

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了来路不明,或未有许可证的保养品,其实品质优良的保养品,并没有不可混合使用的顾虑。Has been unauthentic, or has not had the permit maintenance, actually the excellent in quality maintenance, has not been possible to mix the use the worry.

虽然说在你想要在健身房浑汗如雨的时候,他们毫无疑问非常实用,但是穿着来路不明的防水灯笼裤足以将任何人拒之门外了吧?。While they're unquestionably useful when you want to sweat it out at the gym, being subjected to unsolicited knicker-flashing is enough to put anyone off. Right?