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给我无尽的夏季。Give me endl! ess summer.

他无尽期地等待着。He waited for an eternity.

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无尽的迷人。It's endlessly fascinating.

这里有一个无尽的世界。There is a endlessness world.

爱是我心中无尽的喃喃细语!Love is murmuring in my heart.

有些人生而此夜绵绵无尽期。Some are born to Endless Night.

佛教徒有着无尽的理想。The Buddhist has plenty of ideals.

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我看见无尽的航线。I saw above me that endless skyway.

那蓝色,清新,无尽的自由。The blue, the fresh, the ever free.

我会陪你遁入那无尽的黑暗。Then I'll follow you into the dark.

蒂亚戈有着无尽的天赋。Thiago has an inexhaustible talent.

我会带着无尽的爱,在路的那头与你重逢。Endless love, see you down the road.

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我们的每一边,都是无尽的压力。On all sides of us, endless pressure.

她对那个孤儿倾注了无尽的爱。She lavished affection on the orphan.

过了这里就是无尽的大海。so there's just ocean out after that.

哪年哪月,才能够收回我那无尽的宝藏?When can I get back my endless treasure?

昨晚,在我的梦中我在无尽的试卷中漂浮。Last night, in my dream I was in of paper.

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但我发现您的意志在我这里无尽延伸。ButI find that thy will knows no end in me.

对于另一些笨蛋而言,这里比无尽深渊还糟糕。For other berks, it's worse than the Abyss.

无尽的热恼,因忏悔而清凉。Endless defilement ceases through repentance.