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范仲淹的吏治思想非常丰富。Fan Zhongyan s thoughts of official management are rich.

从表面来看,塞舌尔很富有,吏治清明。To the casual eye, Seychelles seems both fortunate and well-governed.

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吏治的好坏,直接关系到国家的治乱兴衰。The quality of the management is directly related to the rise and fall of the nation.

吏治的腐败为一体化的顺利发展和进一步深化造成了障碍。The corrupt officials formed a kind of corrosive element in the process of integration.

中国古代吏治既有积极的一面,亦有其消极的一面。Bureaucracy in ancient society not only has Positive role, but also has Negative effects.

事实上,中国的兴衰跟吏治的腐化程度有密切联系。In fact, the fortunes of China bobbed up and down with corruption levels of government officials.

言官由澄清吏治的“清洁剂”变成败坏吏治的“腐蚀剂”,这种群体的堕落对明中后期社会影响甚巨。Supervisors changed from detergent to decay which resulted in much influence on the middle and late Ming Dynasty.

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在宋仁宗的支持下,他与范仲淹等主持了以整顿吏治为中心的政治改革即庆历新政。Supported by Song Renzong, Fu Bi and Fan Zhongyan initiated and presided over Qinli Xinzheng, a reformation of polity.

裁判员与运动员同为一人乃吏治腐败产生之温床。The breeding ground of corrupt bureaucracy is that of the officials not only serve as referees but also serve as athletes.

官员的考核及监督机制的优劣是关系到一个社会吏治是否清明的重要因素。The assessment and supervision of officials are important factor to maintain clear and bright in administration of officials.

他著述甚广,思想涉及吏治、民本、军事、法律等多个方面。He is well-known for his efforts on feudal official administration, people-oriented thoughts, military affairs, law and so on.

有法不依、执法不严、吏治腐败等现象较普遍的存在着。These phenomena such as not following the law correctly, not enforcing the law strictly, the corruption of officials still exist.

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而粥厂制度自身存在的种种弊端,其实正折射出明代荒政乃至经济、吏治的实际情形。In fact, the porridge factories management reflected the reality of administration, economy and offical system in the Ming Dynasty.

数十载的无序统治造成了基础设施简陋、吏治混乱以及管理无能等遗留问题。Decades of shambolic administration have left a legacy of shoddy infrastructure, tangled bureaucracy and administrative incompetence.

禁烟的失败,对无锡社会造成了严重的消极影响,使鸦片烟毒更加泛滥,吏治更加腐败,并且败坏了社会风气。The failure of banning affected Wuxi seriously and caused the deluge of opium, corruption of officials and deterioration of social ethos.

主要表现在统一适用的法典被废除,吏治腐败,冤狱迭兴,野蛮残酷的刑罚复活。The main expression includes the abolishment of the uniform code, the severe corruption of the officials and the reuse of cruel crucifixion.

清朝初期,顺治帝接受了明朝灭亡的教训,更是为了安定民心,平息当时全国各地人民的抗清斗争,他非常重视整肃吏治。In early Qing Dynasty, Emperor Shun-chih took the lesson from Ming's f all and attached great importance to the rectification of his officers.

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有些争讼得不到解决,或结案又讼,一个重要的原因在于吏治腐败。However, some of disputes and lawsuits couldnt be settled, or were re-taken after settlement mainly because of official administrative corruption.

吏治腐败、司法黑暗,使得人民丧失了正常的利益申诉途径,暴力成为解决各种争端的唯一手段。Bureaucracy corruption, justice darkness made people lost their normal rights of petition, so violence became the only means to solve all kinds of disputes.

频整顿吏治,安定社会,发官仓赈济灾民,雇乡民疏通六门堰,按故道引水灌田。Frequency rectify the official, stable society, made official position relief victims, employed villagers to clear the six weirs, cited by oxbow pour field.