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还是鸡内脏?Chicken entrails?

绿色内脏。Entrails of greenness.

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内脏裂缝颌,舌骨与鳃弓。The jaw, hyoid and gill arches.

什么是内脏脂肪?What is splanchnic and adipose?

烧煮之前先把兔子的内脏取出。Gut the rabbit before you cook it.

所有的鱼,需开膛,取出内脏,清洗干净。All fish must be gutted and cleaned.

可食用的屠宰过的动物内脏。Edible viscera of a butch ered animal.

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猎人取出羚羊的内脏。The hunter disembowelled the antelope.

最后再去除内脏并进行预冷处理。They are then eviscerated and chilled.

肝脏是人体最大的内脏器官。The liver is your largest internal organ.

有内脏与腔壁的腹膜。There are visceral and parietal peritoneal.

各种内脏绞痛的针灸治疗。The acupuncture treatment of viscera angina.

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宰杀,脱毛,挖掉内脏。Slaughter, hair removal, dig out the visceral.

将鲤鱼去鳞、去鳃、去内脏,洗净。Lei Yue to scales, gills go to the viscera Wash.

有个家伙的内脏被一匹马捣成了浆糊。A man’s insides were turned into soup by a horse.

我正在清鱼内脏,这时他开始对我讲话。I was gutting fish when he started talking to me.

一旦火鸡解冻了之后,就把其内脏清除掉。Once the turkey has defrosted, remove the giblets.

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瑞典残酷死亡金属乐队内脏出血。Swedish brutal death metal band Visceral Bleeding.

冲击力震荡着库尔特的内脏。The concussive force roiled though Kurt's insides.

彻底洗净鱼,尤其是内脏部位。Wash the fish thoroughly, particularly the gut area.