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主人挺直了他的背。The host straightened his back.

一个站得挺直,一个驼背。One stands straight. One's crooked.

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士兵们都要被训练成站得很挺直。Soldiers are trained to stand erect.

但很快,她挺直了她的肩膀。Then she straightened her shoulders.

穿过,““排列成行,““挺直,““树,“Cross." "Lines." "Straight." "Trees."

背挺直,跪坐于两个脚后跟上。Sit on your heels with a straight spine.

穿过排列成行的挺直黑黑的树Across the lines of straighter darker trees.

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穿过排列成行的挺直黑黑的树“Across the lines of straighter darker trees."

我们来看,“排列成行的挺直黑黑的树“这句Let's do "the lines of straighter darker trees."

我们来看,“排列成行的挺直黑黑的树“这句“Let's do "the lines of straighter darker trees."

所以挺直腰板,继续学习,继续生活。So keep standing, keep learning, and keep living.

保持后背上部和颈部舒适挺直。Keep your upper back and neck comfortably straight.

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他的朋友是位鼻子挺直,身材高且苗条的姑娘。His friend is a tall, slim girl with a straight nose.

我从来不能象其他孩子那样挺直腰板盘腿而坐。I could never sit Indian-style the way other kids did.

挺直腰杆,抬起头,与他人进行眼神的接触。Stand up straight, keep your head up, and make eye contact.

身处乌拉山挺直山间的兴奋。The thrill of existing anywhere vertically above the Urals.

保持屁股在墙上休息,同时让手臂挺直。Keep the bottom resting on the wall and let the arms dangle.

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她回看他一眼,身子挺直,面孔象一面拉紧了的旗子。She looked back at him, erect, her face like a strained flag.

挺直腰板坐在海豚背上的猴子摆出一副庄严的神态。The Monkey sat up, grave and dignified, on the Dolphin's back.

工作时可以坐直,坐在椅子上要挺直腰杆。While at work, sit upright, with a straight-back, in your chair.