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我们要非吸烟区的座位.Nonsmoking section.

此座位已被预订。This seat is engaged.

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我是否可将座位向后倾倒?May I recline my seat?

这个体育馆有500个座位。The stadium seats 500.

这是他常坐的座位。This is his usual seat.

请告诉我32A的座位在哪里。Please show me seat 32A.

座位装有坐垫。The seats are cushioned.

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两张卧铺票还是座位票?Two berths or two seats?

可调节的座位安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

解开你座位上的安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

这个座位上没有安全带。Unbuckle your seat belt.

你的座位号是什么?What's your seat number?

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另外,这是我的座位。Besides, this is my seat.

我可以坐在紧急出口的那排座位吗?Can I sit in an exit row?

他从座位上惊跳起来。He started from his seat.

我在找10A的座位。I'm looking for seat 10A.

这些座位肯定是我们的。These seats must be ours.

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这里是固定座位的吗?Is there assigned seating?

预订一架班机的座位。Reserve seats on a flight.

她在座位上坐好。She settles onto the seat.