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你还是得好好念书准备!You'll still need to study!

我周围有很多人用功念书学习。I'm around a lot of studying.

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英秀让弟弟念书。Yingxiu let his brother read book.

你在合肥念书,你是安徽人吗?Your school in Hefei, Anhui you people?

他步行至蒂斯代尔小学念书。He walked to Teasdale Elementary School.

现在他想要为她念书了。Now he wants to "read" the books to her.

你知道露丝要去国外念书吗?Do you know Rose is going to study abroad?

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但是,昨天我向他保证要更用功念书。But yesterday I promised him to work harder.

我的姐姐在芝加哥高中念书。My sister studies at Kingsfield High School.

你可知道,我没有为这次英语课的测验好好念书。You know, I didn't study for this English quiz.

她和她弟弟都在寄宿学校念书。She and her brother are both at boarding school.

可是她没有钱上医学院念书。But she lacked the money for a medical education.

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男孩的妈妈念书给他听时,他打起瞌睡来了。The boy dozed off while his mother was reading to him.

马丽亚是在她丈夫约翰在莫斯科念书时认识他的。Maria met her husband John when he was studying in Moscow.

否则你大可在家里念书,那花的时间少多了。You could read the book at home and spend a lot less time.

他到国外念书之前必须先加强英文。He needs to improve his English before he can study abroad.

我来自东莞石龙,在石龙中心小学六零八班念书。I study in Class 8, Grade 6 in Shilong Center Primary School.

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因此,我从来没有进过普通高中念书。That is why I have never been to a normal high school before.

他是一个无聊的人,既不爱文娱,也不爱念书。He is a boring man. He likes neither entertainment nor reading.

迈克是一个美国男孩。他在兰州的一所大学念书。Mike is an American boy. He studies in a university in Lanzhou.