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请出示您的票。Your ticket, please.

教师出示陈洁爸爸的图片。This is Chen Jie 's father.

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请出示证件。Please show your credentials.

俯下身子然后出示三。Reach down and Show us three.

请出示一下您的房卡。Please show me your room card.

我可以出示给您那些条规吗?May I show you the regulations?

请出示您的包裹单。Please show me your parcel order.

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请出示你的阅览证。Please show me your reader's card.

请给我出示你的借书证。Show me your library card, please.

教师从桌下快速出示一顶红帽子。Look. This is a cap. cap, cap, cap.

而且你想向满屋的人出示你的照片?Want to show a room full of people?

请出示您的行李牌?May I have your baggage tag, please?

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请出示年夜家汽车月票。Please show me your monthly bus pass.

付款前请出示中国银联卡。Present China Unionpay before payment.

请出示您的房卡和钥匙。May I have your room card and room key?

教师出示写有重点短语的小黑板。There are some important phrases on it.

请出示公共汽车月票。Please exhibit me your monthly bus pass.

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教师出示较多的房子的图片并领读单词。How many houses are there in the picture?

我毫不迟延地向他出示了设备。I showed him the equipment without delay.

请出示你船白勺稳性资料。Please show me your stability information.