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泥水慢慢地变清澈了。The muddy water cleared slowly.

谁会在乎泥水池沼在想什么呢?So who cares what the bog thinks?

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他敏捷地跨过泥水坑。He stepped lightly over the puddle.

鸭子和鹅在后院泥水中翻腾。The ducks and geese puddled in the backyard.

狗喜欢在泥水洼里扑腾,河马则喜欢在其中打滚撒欢儿。Dogs love splashing in mud and hippos wallow in it.

他们的自动倾卸卡车在行进中满车都是泥水。Their dump trucks full of cars in the road is muddy.

汽车开过去了,我们被溅了一身泥水。The car ran away and spattered us with mud and water.

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小心,泥水里有大量的带病菌的昆虫。Be careful, that muddy water is infested with disease-bearing insects.

长江把大量泥水倾注入海。The Changjiang River disgorges tons of waters and muds into the ocean.

对泥水式盾构机应用于穿黄隧洞的施工进行了探讨。The application of slurry shield machine to this tunneling project is discussed.

2010年4月23日—一位老人停下脚步,将水坑中的泥水盛进桶中。April 23, 2010—An old man stooped to scoop muddy water from a puddle into his pail.

骆驼也能咀嚼小镇外的绿色矮乔木,驴子也至少能喝上泥水。Camels munch on green shrubs outside town, and donkeys drink puddles of muddy water.

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在斯里兰卡的拉特纳普勒,一位宝石采矿者正在黄色的泥水里通过冲洗淘出宝石。Awash in yellow, a gem miner near Ratnapura, Sri Lanka, separates stones from clay-laden mud.

刚果东北部,布尼亚附近的一座金矿,一个男子站在满是泥水的池子里。A man stands in a pool of muddy water in a gold mine in Chudja, near Bunia, north-eastern Congo.

他撩开两条瘦长的腿,扑踏扑踏地踩着泥水走着。He was swinging the two long and skinny legs and treading the muddy water with a clattering sound.

苏拉特2006年遭遇的一场洪水灾难中,泥水高度达到约两层楼之高,该区与苏拉特四分之三的市区一样被洪水吞没。Like three-quarters of the city, it was flooded by muddy waters reaching two storeys high in 2006.

带着一股新奇劲儿和高兴劲儿,他在水洼里跺来跺去,一时泥水四溅。Filled with a mixture of fascination and glee, he stomped through the puddle, mud and water flying.

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有一张展示的是在一个农村的教室里,一些学生正在上课,在教室的泥地面上还有一些泥水坑。One showed students at their desks in a rural classroom, surrounded by muddy puddles on a dirt floor.

我的新防水靴溅起的泥水很恼人,听不见一般情形下脚底砾石发出的嘎吱嘎吱声。The sloshing of my new waterproof boots was unnerving. I missed the normal crunch of gravel as I walked.

终于我们拖着沉重而又满是泥水的脚,一步一步地从铁梯下往上爬到铁盖处。Finally with our legs heavy with water and mud, we climbed the vertical iron stairs to the manhole cover.