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毋中奸计。Don't fall into the treacherous plot.

那说不定是渔夫的奸计耶。」吉尔说。It might be a fisherman's trick, " said Gil."

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假若我们还要维持庞大的机构,那就会正中敌人的奸计。If we maintain our enormous apparatus, we shall fall right into his trap.

他们也中了蝴蝶的奸计,每天都在欣赏蝴蝶优美的舞姿。They are also the butterfly plot, every day watching the butterfly dancing.

我们提供的4名日本奸计Fiendish口袋拼图不同的难度水平。We're offering four different difficulty levels of the Fiendish Japanese Pocket Puzzles.

宫肖虹及马德成见奸计得逞,大为兴奋,更栽赃嫁祸给小婷。Gong Xiaohong and ma de prejudice plot succeed, great excitement, more planted to Tsuen wan.

对付小人,必须以智谋击败他每个奸计,包括避开他设下的误导和圈套。A villain allows for every eventuality including deliberately being caught in the act using an assumed name.

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眼看奸计没能得逞,赫拉恼羞成怒之下,将伊变成了一只透明的水瓶,要他永生永世为宙斯倒水。Unable to have things her way, Hera was so angry that she transformed Ganymede as a clear cup to pour water for Zeus forever.

荣向一求助,一欲利用琼迷信心态令玥回心转意,但奸计被玥揭穿,玥怒把荣赶走。Glory to a turn, a desire to use Joan superstitious mentality he make au-turn, but he was GanJi he expose, the honor away wrath.

要对付小人,必须以智谋击败他每个奸计,包括避开他设下的误导和圈套。To deal with a villain , one must outwit him at every turn, including avoiding the snares and false trails that he leaves behind.

这句成语的意思,是指两人同流合污做坏事,使其奸计达到目的,正像狼和狈二种动物常合作使奸一样。What this shows us is that two people following each other's bad example can collaborate in their cunning and achieve their aims.

黄昏,皇叔府第内,阿尔泰躺在卧椅假寐看似是闭眼养神,其实正在沉思奸计。Dusk, royal uncle in the mansion, aertai lie in lie chair catnap seemingly is close their eyes resting, in fact GanJi was lost in thought.

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王小红知道了黑木蛟早上下了山之后知道他中了马荣的奸计了,随后他决定回一趟根据地汇报情况。WangXiaoGong know HeiMu Jiao morning after down the hill in the mount mayon know that he was GanJi, then he decided to return my report base areas.

罗伯特·卡特斯比,一位熟稔阴谋和奸计、声名狼藉的北安普顿郡天主教徒,觉得现在恰逢其时来捍卫他的宗教信仰。Being no stranger to plots and intrigue, Robert Catesby, a notorious Northamptonshire catholic, now felt the time was right to strike a blow for his religion.

不过此役,由于黄忠心急想争头功提前出兵,却中了曹操的奸计伤亡惨重。Do not live this service, because yellow devotion thinks the result that contend for a head dispatchs troops ahead of schedule urgently, medium however trickery casualties of Cao Cao is heavy.

我向你们描述的这种战争,土地平坦开阔,两军对垒,没有多大机会使用奸计,所以你能大声地说,谁在战争中使奸就是胆小的懦夫The kind of battle I've been describing to you, a nice flat field, two armies coming at each other, there's not much you can do in the way of trickery, and so you can take a high tone and say, anybody who fights any other way is a no good coward.