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暴风雨会掠过洋面,堆起大浪。Storms sweep across it and pile up great waves.

海洋一号A卫星水色扫描仪探测的目标主要是海洋的洋面。The main detect object of COCTS on HY-1A Satellite is ocean surface.

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海洋面会急剧上涨吗?我们的星球会变成一个水中天下吗?Will the oceans rise dramatically and our planet become a water world?

星期二凌晨海马在菲律宾以东的洋面形成。Haima formed early Tuesday morning in the ocean east of the Philippines.

整体传输公式是一种常用的计算洋面海气通量的方法。The bulk transfer formula is often used to calculate the air-sea exchanges.

这使得它们在靠近洋面的水域捕食猎物时行动更加自如。That makes it easier to maneuver when catching fish close to the ocean’s surface.

这洋面最窄的地方就是介于南美洲的突出点和非洲的突出点之间。This narrowest place is between the bulge of south America and the bulge of Africa.

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它更接近于由飓风般的亚空间潮汐推动的狂暴洋面。It was closer to being a turbulent ocean fomented by the tempestuous warp tides below.

海军上将兰德里说,“控制燃烧”将会在远离陆地的洋面上施行,届时将不会有人留意得到。Admiral Landry said that a burn would take place offshore where no one on land could see it.

弱的垂直切变和暖洋面的存在也是台风强度维持的原因之一。Weak vertical shear and warm sea surface are other reasons to remain the intensity of typhoon.

大洋底部形成的有害气体会不会以气泡的形式冒出洋面,继而毁灭地球上的绝大多数生命呢?Could a dangerous gas buildup at the bottom of the ocean bubble up and wipe out most life on Earth?

低云能够加热沙漠和海洋上空的沙尘大气,冷却地面和洋面。Low cloud heats the dust atmosphere over desert and ocean while cool the surface of land and ocean.

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弱的水平风速垂直切变和暖洋面的加热作用,也是台风维持的原因。Weak vertical shear and warm ocean surface were also the reasons to remain the intensity of typhoon.

一位四十七岁的临终患者望向窗外,看着在晨光中闪烁的洋面。A forty-seven-year-old hospice patient looked out of her window at the ocean, glistening in the morning sun.

沼泽地带的排水,地下蓄水层和内海已被填至洋面高度。The draining of wetlands, underground aquifers and inland seas has added significantly to the level of the oceans.

高程差与地球半径相比显得很小,它与海洋面以上的高度成正比。Elevation differences is small compared with the earth's radius, this is proportional to the height above sea level.

戈尔茨坦的研究小组已横跨洋面进行了拖网作业,以收集和分析聚集此处的塑料碎片。Goldstein’s team has towed nets across the ocean to collect and analyze the tiny bits of plastic accumulating there.

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这一组卫星图像显示了2009年10月11日至10月25日在新西兰以东洋面形成的水华。This pair of satellite images shows a bloom that formed east of New Zealand between October 11 and October 25, 2009.

他们用鱼叉在开阔的洋面猎取鲔鱼,在海滩捕杀海豹,并开发在淡水流域洄游的鲑鱼资源。They harpooned tuna in the open ocean, killed seals on the beaches, and exploited seasonal runs of salmon in the rivers.

事故发生地点是在北纬15度,西经46度,大约在巴巴多斯以东800英里的洋面上。The location for the incident was given as 15 degrees north and 46 degrees degrees west, about 800 miles east of Barbados.