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谁会数这些牙签?Who can count these toothpicks?

你能把牙签递给我吗?Would you please pass the toothpicks?

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一会儿,又来一个乞丐也是来要牙签的。While, a beggar is to come to the toothpicks.

这只老虎需要一根牙签来剔他的牙齿。The tiger needs a toothpick to pick his teeth.

在工作上需要用牙签来撑开眼睛?Need toothpicks to keep your eyes open at work?

每个微雕的原料仅仅是一根牙签。Each sculpture was made from only one toothpick.

携带一些肉贵味牙签。Carry some cinnamon-flavored toothpicks with you.

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不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。Don't blow your nose or use the tooth pick at table.

不要擤鼻涕或用牙签剔牙。Don't blow your nose or use a toothpick at the table.

有些人在用餐之后会以牙签清洁牙齿。Some people clean their teeth with toothpicks after meals.

唱针也不如用过的牙签好几多。And the gramophone needle is not as good as a used toothpick.

他站起来像座山,用整棵树当牙签。He stands tall as a mountain, and uses whole trees for toothpicks.

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你可以用牙签把贝肉从贝壳中挖出来。You can use the toothpick to winkle the shellfish out of its shell.

如果你吸烟是为了打发时间,那可以叼根吸管或者牙签。If you use smoking to pass the time, chew on a straw or a toothpick.

只要轻轻一提拉,深藏其中的牙签便会被压弹出来。Simply a dip, which concealed the toothpick will be pressure to pop up.

那个男人在我们背后徘徊,噘着厚厚的嘴唇,叼着一根牙签儿。The man now hovered behind us, his full lips pursed around a toothpick.

还有一个镊子和牙签和一个系绳的接孔。There's also a tweezer and toothpick and a hole for lanyard attachment.

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牙间刷、牙签双用,提供客户多样选择。Interdental brush and toothpick double use. Provide customer dual choice.

这些精雕细琢的香蕉艺术品是用一根牙签和一把勺子做出来的。The detailed works of banana art are carved with a toothpick and a spoon.

出厂价牙齿牙签座,欢迎大量批发!Teeth toothpicks on the ex-factory price, welcomed the large number of wholesale!