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我太爱小婴儿。I love babies.

我爱小动物!I love my little pets !

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爹地,上帝爱小孩儿吗?Daddy, does God love children?

我最爱小惊喜了!I love getting little surprises!

孩子都爱小动物。Every child loves little animals.

为什么,玛丽爱小羔羊,你知道啊。Why, Mary loves the lamb, you know.

我爱小赖,但是讨厌他抽烟。I love Lai, but I hate him to smoke.

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他爱母亲,爱我,爱小罗杰。He loved Mother and me and little Roger.

我爱小工具,但我也喜欢简单的网站。I love widgets , but I also love simple sites.

米米很爱小动物,从这吃鱼头也可见一斑。Mia loves little creatures, this also proves it.

这段视频的岩石!我爱小功夫宝贝!This video rocks! I love the little Kung Fu baby!

我会是一个好母亲,我真的很爱小宝贝们。I love babies." She's going to have one beautiful baby!

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我爱小草野花的知心,更爱闪亮的夜星。Green grass and wild flowers are my friends, shining stars my love.

我爱小女孩小男孩,他们是如此的美丽和可爱,像王子和白雪公主。I love those little girls and boys, they are so beautiful and cute as prince and snow white.

小兔子的爱永远比大兔子的爱小,这也许就是我比不过爸爸的原因了。Small rabbit always love than the love of the rabbit small, but perhaps my fa ther than for it.

如果他爱小动物,他会对它有耐心,饲养它,清洁它和让它健康快乐。If he loves the animal, he will have to be patient with it, feed it, clean it and make it healthy and happy.

她的举措让安在勇感到奇异,但爱小绿的他很快就置信小绿的解释没有深究。Her move to Ann in yong felt strange, but love small green he soon believe the small green explanation does not probe.

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他曾经怀疑他是爱小海的,可是当他遇到李枫晓的时候才发现,他那时对小海的感情不过是看到了美丽的东西一种希望亲近的欲望。He had suspected him of love sea, but when he encounters Li Fengxiao discovered when he was small, but the feelings is to see the beautiful things of one kind of hope to desire.