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他结结巴巴地说出了他的需要。He stammered out his need.

他结结巴巴的讲了个借口。He stammered out an excuse.

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他结结巴巴说出几个字来。She faltered out a few words.

他开始结结巴巴地回答。He began to sputter his reply.

她结结巴巴地说那个长词。She stumbled over the long word.

他结结巴巴地向我道了歉。His regrets was stuttering to me.

“我不会跳舞,”你结结巴巴地说。“I can’t dance,” you stutter out.

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他一紧张起来说话就结结巴巴的。He stutters whenever he is nervous.

她害怕地结结巴巴说出了他的名字。She scarily stuttered out his name.

他结结巴巴地向老板讲了事情经过。He jerked out his story to his boss.

他结结巴巴地说,他没有见到她。He splattered that he didn't see her.

“我——我不知道。”沙斯塔结结巴巴地说道。"I- I don't know, " stammered Shasta.

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他结结巴巴地说着,不尽又红了脸。He stammered his cheek hot one much time.

你不想一声不吭,也不想结结巴巴。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

而你又不想结结巴巴地说。And you don't want to stutter and stammer.

猴子一时结结巴巴不知道应该如何开口。A monkey tongue-tied dont know how to open.

她讲话因生气而结结巴巴并出错。Her tongue stammered and faulted with rage.

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你怎么知道的?!“女人惊讶极了,结结巴巴的问道。"How do YOU know?" stammers the young woman.

在这种场合下他是不大可能结结巴巴的。He is not likely to falter on such an occasion.

他结结巴巴,但充满感情地用纳美语说着。He speaks haltingly, but with feeling, in Na’vi.