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阿切尔太太脸色煞白。Mrs. Archer paled.

高格看见了那支枪,脸色煞白。Gog saw the gun and his face went white.

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一想到去就使她脸色煞白。The very thought of going make her blanch.

一提及她的名字,他的脸明显变得煞白。He paled visibly at the mention of her name.

可怜的霍顿脸色煞白,抬起头来。Horton looked up with his face white as chalk.

他看见那具残缺不全的尸体吓得脸色煞白。He blanched at the sight of the mutilated corpse.

他把门带上,劳拉变得煞白。Nora was white when he closed the door behind him.

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她看见他的下巴绷紧,脸色煞白。She saw his jaw tighten and his face lose its colour.

那天,这些鸟瞰起来格外煞白。They looked unnaturally white, that day, those birds.

戈德利曼用手捂住话筒,脸色煞白。Godliman put his hand over the phone. His face was white.

热病,那是一个借口,劳拉的脸变得煞白。That was a veiled reference to the fever, and Nora paled.

“那么我还是逃跑的好。”沙斯塔说道,脸色都急得煞白了。"Then I'd better run away, " said Shasta, turning very pale.

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在椅背上,松开双手,看到手指煞白且无法伸直。I unclenched my hands and looked at my fingers, white and bent.

我靠在椅背上,松开双手,看到手指煞白且无法伸直。I unclenched my hands and looked at my fingers, white and bent.

当她得知所发生的一切时,脸色煞白。The blood drained from her face as she learned what had happened.

他举起煞白的拳头,在门上猛捶了三下。He raised his ghost-white fist and banged three times on the door.

那个胆小鬼向另一个房间退去,脸色煞白。Thee coward was backing, his face being deathly pale, toward another room.

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他的面色本来已经煞白,不可能变得更苍白了。He would have turned pale, had it been possible for him to become any paler.

愤怒驱使她去了他红木装修的办公室,一看见她,他的脸立刻变得煞白。Anger carried her into his mahogany paneled office, his face went white when he saw her.

安娜贝利特怕高、特怕游泳,而现在她的脸已经煞白煞白了。Annabel was terribly afraid of heights and diving and right now, she was looking extremely pale.