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刘有着两个孩子而自身无业。Liu has two children but is not employed.

美国无业妇女苏尔曼一胎生了八个孩子。Surman, an American unemployed woman, at a birth.

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那是为所有无业人员开设的免费政府机构。It's a free government service for all unemployed people.

无业者可做主业。上班者可赚外快,一家男女老少都可生产。Those who work earn extra money, a young and old can be produced.

“三无问题”即无地、无房、无业。The "Three Concerns" are the lack of land, housing and employment.

职业以学生、农民、无业人员为主。The patients'occupations were mainly students, farmers and no-jobs.

但是你没有通过把自己叫做”“无业人员”让自己成为受害者。But you're not victimizing yourself by calling yourself "unemployed."

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现年27岁的黄伟荣是奉贤区海湾旅游区的无业青年。Aged 27-year-old Stephen is poorer districts Gulf tourist area jobless youth.

对最近英国无业青年暴乱的谴责似乎操之过急了。Attempts to blame England's recent riots on youth unemployment were overhasty.

无法又无天,无家又无业,王不管,天不怜。No and no day, no family and no industry, no matter the king, days without pity.

科克塞建议联邦政府雇佣无业工人去修建道路。Coxey proposed that the federal government should hire unemployed men to build roads.

但是,在市区的无业青年才最可能实施暴乱。But politically it is the unemployed youth in urban areas that are most likely to riot.

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警方数据显示,格尔曼是个无业和劣迹斑斑的瘾君子。Police data show that Germann is a notorious record of drug addicts and the unemployed.

吉罗拉默·萨佛纳罗拉1452年生于费拉拉城,父亲无业而又放纵游荡。Girolamo Savonarola was born in Ferrara in 1452, the son of a jobless and extravagant father.

刘洪梅现年32岁,无业在家,每天照料8岁小孩,她儿子在小学读书,读2年级了。She stays at home and takes care of her 8 years old son, a Grade two student in an elementary school.

希望这并不意味男性将会有越来越多的失业者或者无业者。Hopefully this does not indicate a growth in the number of men that are unemployed lazy blood suckers.

尽管有不少阿斯伯格患者无业或者做着低于自己能力的工作,但是还有很多人有一份很好的职业。Although many people with AS are unemployed or underemployed, others are at the top of their profession.

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她把这些犯罪归咎于当地无业青少年。她总是说,“游手好闲者,惹是生非人”。She blamed the crimes on the local jobless teenagers.‘The devil makes work for idle hands,’ she would say.

在大多数国家,15-24周岁的年轻人比年长者无业的可能性要高3倍。In most countries, 15-24 years olds are more than three times as likely to be unemployed than older adults.

住在你城里的利未人,你不可丢弃他,因为他在你们中间无分无业。And do not neglect the Levites living in your towns, for they have no allotment or inheritance of their own.