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无论我们现在作何努力,世界经济都很可能积重难返。The world economy is probably knackered, whatever we might do now.

这些政治刁难是由文化困境积重难返造成的。These political difficulties are piled on top of cultural difficulties.

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出租车行业的改革,正面临积重难返的困境。The reform of taxi industry, the front faces the dilemma of bad old practices die hard.

积重难返,他们既有的商业模式限制重重、压力巨大,已难以逾越和克服。The constraints and pressures of their existing business model proved too great to overcome.

财务隐患的积重难返是很多民营企业走向末路的主因。That financial risks diehard of many private enterprises is the main cause toward their dooms.

欧债危机积重难返,继续扰动全球市场,因此,爱尔兰值得关注。Ireland is something to watch closely as Europe's long and slogging debt crisis continues to roil global markets.

千余年考试内容僵化的积重难返,是科举终结之根本原因。More than a thousand years, the recurrent rigid examination content is the fundamental cause of the end examination.

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兰德思先生辩驳说,当时他已经积重难返,而且政府的警告也从来不够有力。Mr Landers argued back that he was too far gone by then, and that the government warnings had never been forceful enough.

而现实中,以升学率为指挥棒的应试教育积重难返,又强化着人们对“高考状元”的追慕。However, the exam-oriented education with enrollment rate as its goal still dies hard which will reinforce the perception of admiring top students.

受知识论哲学影响,中国文学理论界叙事危机积重难返。Under epistemology influence, narrative crises accumulated over the years cannot be resolved overnight in the circles of Chinese literary theories.

课外项目不过是给积重难返的结构问题贴一个创可贴,而那正是公立教育失败的地方。An afterschool program was actually putting a band-aid on a much deeper structural issue, and that was that our public education system was failing us.

苏共的消亡,其主要根源在于过度集权的体制积重难返,难以寻求、开拓一条从发展党内民主着手,取得体制内改革成功之路。Disappearance of Soviet Communist Party mainly lies in the over-centralized system and in the fact that it is difficult to find a way for a successful reform in the system.

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在大多数病例,娈童癖者对儿童的性兴趣仍旧积重难返,但是,如果他学会控制自己的性冲动,而且不触犯法律的底线,这也被认为是一个能够让人接受的结果。In most cases, the pedophile 's sexual interest in children remains, but if he learns to control his impulses and to stay clear of the law, one considers it an acceptable outcome.

在“白色污染”对地球所造成积重难返的危害的情况下,“限塑令”应运而生,并得以大力推广和奉行。The harms caused by white pollution which is hard to change on earth are discussed. The plastic limitation order emerges as the times demanded, and it is popularized and implemented.

认为,造成黄河流域千疮百孔、生态恶化、积重难返的原因是多方面的,但首当其冲的根本原因是林草植被的严重破坏。The conclusion is, there are many reasons which resulted in the Yellow River's serious ecological disaster, but the first and the basic one is the grievous damage to the forest and grassland.