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那块板子松了,垂了下来。The plate loosed and stayed down.

先挨板子的是美国人。Board is the first Americans to pay.

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我走过地板时,②一块板子吱吱作响。A board creaked as I crossed the floor.

一个很大的,漂亮的,嵌板子的图书馆。A very large, handsome paneled library.

确认后是否对板子再次进行测试?Are boards re-tested after verification?

请将板子放在沙发里。Please place the board he-hind the sofa.

一个可以运动的横梁支撑住了板子。A transverse beam supports the dashboard.

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在两个板子之间是未知的。And it lies suspended between two plates.

当他踩到一块松板子时,地板吱吱作响。The floor creaked as he stepped on a loose board.

现在我们看到了对称多处理运用在各种板子上,甚至手机上。Now we see SMP support used across the board, even in phones.

其余的人,可以用板子,或船上的零碎东西上岸。And the rest, some on boards, some on broken pieces of the ship.

但是接下来,指针开始在板子上顺时针方向地转起了圈。But the cursor started going clockwise in circles around the board.

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其馀的人,可以用板子,或船上的零碎东西上岸。And the rest, some on boards, and some on broken pieces of the ship.

一些板子补过并弯翘了,几根底梁断了。Some planks are patched and warped. Several bottom skids are broken.

可是,他们捉住了这一切,关在一所用板子围起来的棚子里!And all this they caught and shut up in a shed closed in with boards!

打板子会不会在孩子内心的深处形成长大以后都抹不去的伤痕呢?Can spanking lead to permanent, hidden scars on children years later?

一盏灯被燃烧在一块板子上的土在贴的图片。A lamp was burning on a board stuck into the clay beneath the picture.

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板子全部铺好后,就要上踢脚线了。After bat has been spread entirely, be about to go up play crural line.

这个装置很简单,用两片板子及一根钉子组成,钉子上穿根玉米棒。It's a simple device—two boards and a nail on which to impale a corncob.

字面的意思是拍打板子,也指有权力、能主事的人作出最后的决定。This word means that those people with authority make the final decision.