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该文分析了三种善本碑帖的价值。The article points out the value of three books of calligraphy.

我们的图书馆有八千册图书,很多都是善本和珍本。We have eight thousand books, many of them are rare and valuable.

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本文根据浙江图书馆馆藏善本,将经部、史部少量讹误及时正之,以方便读者。But it has a few mistakes when embodying the rare book of Zhejiang library.

提出近现代期刊善本的8条评价标准。There are 8 standards to relax the requirement for rare periodical edition.

现在他的巨像已高高竖起,所有喜欢善本书籍的人都竞相购买它的作品。Now the colossus is reared, his works are eagerly bought up by all the purchasers of scarce books.

然而,买家可下载原始从出版商的网站善本免费的扫描副本。However, purchasers can download a free scanned copy of the original rare book from the publisher's website.

套印技术在明代有长足进展。图为明版的双色套印善本。A precious two colored book from the Ming dynasty, when block- printing technology was making great advances.

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图书馆,特别是那些有善本的图书馆,需要调节空气,保护他们藏书的质量。Libraries, especially ones with rare books, require air control to preserve the physical quality of their collections.

善本是一个充满创意和灵感的团队,我们的口号是“团结,友爱,高效,冒险”。In Sendpoints Books, we have a team full of ideas and inspiration. Our slogan is " Teamwork, Love, Efficiency and Adventure".

善本是一个充满创意和灵感的团队,我们的口号是“团结,友爱,高效,冒险”。In Sendpoints Books, we have a team full of ideas and inspirations. Our slogan is " Teamwork, Love, Efficiency and Adventure".

天禄琳琅珍籍存于清皇宫昭仁殿中,是清廷收藏的历代善本珍籍的精华。Tianlulinlangtreasure collection, was put at Zhaoren Hall in imperial place of Qing Dynasty. It is the cream of royal collections.

已知的定位善本为富人收藏家,科索是聘请知名图书爱好者和学者的魔鬼,鲍里斯巴尔干。Known for locating rare books for wealthy collectors, Corso is hired by eminent book-lover and scholar of demonology , Boris Balkan.

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安徽地方特色明显,刻本、套印本、活字本、稿本、写本、抄本等种类丰富,善本、孤本在全国占有一定地位。The ancient books obvious local characteristics, woodblock print, Taoyin Ben, movable, script, transcripts and other types are rich.

虽然穷,他却有能力通过耐心、节约和时间来收藏许多各种类型的善本书。Although poor, he had had the talent to form for himself, by dint of patience, privations, and time, a precious collection of rare copies of every sort.

古籍善本是图书馆中使用与保管矛盾最为突出的文献,而解决矛盾的最佳途径是实现数字化。Ancient rare books are the documents for which there exists maximal contradiction between their usage and preservation while the best way is to digitize them.

文章从同书异本研究、善本观、版本学家和标志性成果等方面论述了清代古籍版本学的成就。This article discusses the achievements in the science of editions of ancient books in the Qing Dynasty from the study of different editions, reviews on good edition and emblematic results.