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光站在这里我就心惊肉跳的了。I get the willies just standing here.

这个消息令他心惊肉跳。His heart quaked with panic at the news.

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这阴暗潮湿的山洞使我感到心惊肉跳。The dark, dank cave gave me the willies.

电影中的暗杀场面使我心惊肉跳。The murder scene in the film horrified me.

他的辞令通常都能打动人心,但有时也让人心惊肉跳!Oftenest persuasive, but sometimes terrible!

但是即使那样也使感觉不安全的巴基斯坦人心惊肉跳。But even that makes insecure Pakistanis jumpy.

再后来,客厅的钟心惊肉跳地敲打了十二下。Even later, the clock in the parlour chimes twelve heartbeats.

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你不停地看表心惊肉跳的看每一秒过去。You keep looking at the clock and are alarmed at time passing.

我知道就要发生什么事,我心惊肉跳得厉害。I knew that something was going to happen, and I was very jumpy.

她在应征面谈的时候心惊肉跳,因为她太紧张了。She was jumpy during her job interview because she was so nervous.

这老太太知道要出事了,于是吓得心惊肉跳。The old lady knew that something was going to happen, and she was very jumpy.

一小时后,我已经紧张的心惊肉跳。我没有把我的脚打爆,还真是奇迹。After an hour, I was so jumpy that it was a miracle I hadn't blown my foot off.

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猫头鹰的叫声不时打破寂静,使琳达心惊肉跳。The hooting of an owl broke the silence now and again, giving Linda the creeps.

我并不害怕胆小的鳄鱼,但是饥饿的缅甸蟒蛇使我心惊肉跳。I’m not afraid of timid alligators, but hungry Burmese pythons give me the willies.

虽然六年过去了,但只要有飞机低空飞过,或者消防车呼啸而过时,人们就会感到心惊肉跳。Six years on, a low-flying plane or a speeding fire truck can make the heart pound.

我们有时看到那些利用网络诱拐儿童的新闻都心惊肉跳。The newsthatwe see those use network abduct children sometimes filled with apprehension.

我目睹了这么多时间但每次我目睹这它给我心惊肉跳。I have witnessed this so many times yet each time I witness this it gives me the willies.

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人走在上面不敢斜视,山风袭来,更让人心惊肉跳。A person walking on it dare not look sideways, and a gust of wind would make him tremble with fear.

百度的每一次调整都搞得站长们心惊肉跳,没办法,中国人太依赖百度了。Baidu adjustments each time do a webmaster gripped, no way, the Chinese are too dependent on Baidu.

九座山峰占据了斯诺登尼亚国家公园一半的面积,这里到处都是让人心惊肉跳的锯齿形峰顶、峡谷和狂风呼啸的高地。Nine mountain ranges cover fully half of Snowdonia with a breathtaking array of jagged peaks, gorges, and windswept uplands.