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上面应该是个半音级I need a half step above G.

上升半音级是什么What's a half step above D?

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比G高半音级是什么What's a half step above G?

这个,它是一个半音音阶Well, that's a chromatic scale.

上升半音级到EI got to go up just a half step there, I'm on E.

在音调上升高半音的。Music raised in pitch by one chromatic semitone.

降调是下降半音级,而升调是上升半个So, flats are below, sharps take you up a half step.

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一个符点加在音符后增加半音。A dot placed after a note increases its value by a half.

在这里要写什么,过G之后是个半音级What am I going to write here? From G I need a half step.

也只是半音级的距离,很好But it's just--F is just a half step away, so that's good.

Korg的独特功能可让您调整到5个半音持平。Unique Korg feature lets you tune down to 5 semitones flat.

整篇的作品很少全部用半音音阶构成Entire compositions are rarely written in the chromatic scale.

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大音程降低半音是小音程。Major intervals made smaller by 2 half-steps become diminished.

大调模式的最后,是一个从B到C的半音级And the last one in the major pattern is a half step from B to C.

好了,明白了,但这里,从D到E,是个半音级吗All right, so there we are, but is this, from D to E, a half step?

我可以分别降半音符号与双倍降半音符号之间的区别。I can tell the difference between a flat and a double flat notation.

然后,在顶端,转换到了半音音阶And then he, at the top of it-- switched over into a chromatic scale.

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伟大的视觉饲料回半音管理单元,和实际音高的指标。Great visual feed-back with semitone snap, and actual pitch indicator.

比相应的大音程或完全音程增多一个。半音。的。Larger by a semitone than the corresponding major or perfect interval.

此调弦是将所有的弦降一个半音。This tuning is achieved when all the strings are flattened by a half step.