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癌症是一种顽症。Canser is a stubborn disease.

癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a persistent ailment.

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癌症是一种顽症。Cancer is a kind of persistent ailment.

两个保守党的顽症也让人特别担心。Two of the Tories’ obstinacies look especially worrying.

土地兼并是古代中国的一个顽症。Land annexation was a persistent ailment of the Ancient China.

希望她赚取更多的钱,能够成功解决难题,铲除一切顽症!Earn more money and be able to manage the affairs and uproot any problems!

信贷融资渠道少、资金缺乏是农村发展过程中久治不愈的顽症。The credit financing channel is few, the lacks of the fund is stubborn illness.

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图书行业的退书问题已经成为全球图书出版行业难以解决的“顽症”。The problem of returned books has been an uncured illness for the global publishing.

为了治疗这一顽症,“无产阶级”要团结起来向“有产阶级”发动武装斗争。To remedy the ill, the "have-nots" are summoned to armed struggle against the "haves.

刑讯逼供一直以来是司法实务中的顽症之一。Extraction of confession by torture has been one of the persistent ailments in legal affairs.

对于湿疹和银屑病等皮肤顽症,能够通过吸收鳄梨油中的维生素a和E,得到很好的治疗。Skin problems, especially eczema and psoriasis, respond to its high content of vitamins A and E.

高校学生不同程度的欠费问题,已成为高校中的一个顽症。The problem that university students owe the tuition in different degrees, has become a symptom.

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犯罪率的持续上升和再犯率的居高不下,一直是困扰人类社会的顽症。The rising crime rate and the high rate of recidivism has been a chronic problem plaguing human society.

恐怖主义和霸权主义是人类社会面临的两大历史顽症。The terrorism and hegemonism are the two big historical persistent ailments that the human society faces.

行人违章已成为困扰广州交通管理者的“交通顽症”,严重影响着出行的安全。The violations of regulations of passers-by have become a traffic disease of Guangzhou Traffic Management.

要解决这一“顽症”,办好让人民满意的教育,必须标本兼治,综合治理。Only by seeking expedient and fundamental solutions and comprehensive administration can this problem be solved.

褥疮为老年病人常见的并发症之一,是护理工作需攻克的“顽症”。Bedsore is one of common complication disease among old age patients and the "persistent ailment" for the nursing job.

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而治愈这种顽症的良药就是有意识地每天花一点时间去关注好的方面,对你所获得的抱有感恩之心。The antidote is to deliberately take time out each day to notice what's going right, and to feel grateful for what you've got.

多年来电气误操作事故是困扰发电厂及电网安全运行非常严重的一个“顽症”。For several years, electric malfunction accident is an stubborn problem which puzzled power plant and power grid safe operation.

学生学业不良被视为现代教育中的一种顽症,产生的因素是多方面的。Students poor academic performance , which results from many factors, is regarded as a kind of chronical disease in modern education.