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男孩无望地耸了耸肩膀。The Boy shrugged helplessly.

男人无望地耸了耸肩。The Man shrugged helplessly.

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别对这无望俯首贴脸。Do not stoop to strategies like this.

归期遥遥无望日了。Far away hopeless day of date of return.

为烦恼而疯狂,为无望的爱情悲喜。Or crazed with care, or cross'd in hopeless love.

最近是否感到情绪低落,忧郁或无望?Have you recently felt down, depressed or hopeless?

对一些人来说,所有这些听起来可能都是反美无望了。All this may sound hopelessly anti-American to some.

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兰瑟拼命而无望想去抓住消失的希拉。Lancer clutched desperately for what was no longer there.

让统统歪曲的记挂灭亡吧,让我无望地迷失了路途。Let all crooked scruples vanish, let me hopelessly lose my way.

就象天空和大海,永远对视,无望地守候。Like the sky and the sea, always on the TV, waiting helplessly.

疑虑逐渐开始蚕食我的意识,在无望中静数著灰色又或是黑色的每一天。Doubt startin' to creep in, everyday it's just so grey and black.

医生知道那伤兵的生命已经无望。During the war, the soldiers despaired of ever coming home alive.

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眼看自己在比赛中无望获胜,他只得甘拜下风。With no hope of winning, he had to take a back seat in the contest.

一个人唱情歌,泛白的指节,述说我们无望的爱情。A man sing love songs, the white knuckles, declare we hopeless love.

比如说维斯的圣诞清单,越看越觉得无望。Take Wes's Christmas list, which is looking more and more hope-less.

在经济正常时期,即使最无望的负债者也能归还一点欠款。In a healthy economy, even the hopelessly indebted can pay something.

后,被认定视力恢复无望时,芳便经常以泪洗面。After the recovery of visual acuity, deemed hopeless, Fang often tears.

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如果你感到抑郁,你可能感到筋疲力尽、无助、无望。If you have depression, you may feel exhausted, helpless, and hopeless.

我们需要剔出那些成功无望的申请。We need to sift out the applications that have no chance of succeeding.

他向记者们承认近期内无望达成协议。He conceded to newsmen that an immediate agreement was nowhere in sight.