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舒展成一曲悠扬的歌。Stretching into a song melodious.

或者只是站起来,舒展一下身体。Or simply stand and stretch for a minute.

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唯你,才能得以舒展,只可沉淀。Only you can to stretch, only precipitation.

多次上下舒展你的脚趾。Stretch your toes up and down several times.

她向着皎皎的月亮舒展双臂。She stretched her arms towards the glowing Moon.

别生气,甜蜜的女郎,舒展眉头吧!Ah! frown not, sweet lady, unbend your soft brow.

这部电影会让陆川人性中悲观看法得到舒展吗?Will it comfort Lu Chuan's dark view of humanity?

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干燥的种子裂开了,绿色的叶子舒展开来了。The dry seeds ruptures and the green leaf uncurls.

大雁翱翔成标题,禾苗舒展成字句。Dayan flying into heading Hemiao stretch into words.

他们闹翻,舒展身躯晒太阳,他们斗嘴。They split up, spread out, sunned themselves, bickered.

突然融释了太阳的天空舒展开来。In the sky suddenly divested of its sun something relaxes.

幸好,有一段音乐会使皇家贵宾皱起的眉头舒展开来。Fortunately, one part of the musical soothed the royal brow.

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舒展、按摩你的肩膀,促进你的血液循环。Stretch and massage your shoulders and get your blood moving.

在内敛含蓄中舒展着典雅端庄之美,在热烈奔放中渲泄活泼洒脱之情。Beauty of elegance and lively and free feeling are both in it.

舒展歌喉,闪亮自我,用声音传递心灵的空间。Extend singing voice flash atman with sound pass spirit space.

奥达猎犬的动作舒展、前躯伸展和后躯驱动良好。The Otterhound moves freely with forward reach and rear drive.

舒展顺畅。在传统紫砂艺术的基础上有着对美感认识的自我追求。On the basis of service to know yourself with aesthetic pursuit.

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作品的旋律舒展柔美,委婉质朴。The melody, pure and understated, unfolds softly and pleasingly.

想不想舒展一下筋骨,春天桃花朵朵开。Want to stretch a little exercise, peach blossoming spring open.

电场强度较高时,两性聚离子链构型更为舒展。At high external field, the polyampholyte chain is more extended.