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嗯,我已经必须承认,这些都是造孽钱。Well, I must confess, these are scruples.

爱神,造孽!若其信守誓言。And Love, be false! if _he_, too keep one oath.

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大地的赐予全被用去造孽。The gifts of the earth were put only to nefarious uses.

嘈杂的脚步声,黑色的紧身衣,造孽的短裙。Feet clattering, black tights, skirts just short of sin.

人啊,造孽太多,干嘛还把所有的罪名扔给狗狗呢?People, ah, commit a sin too many, why throw the dogs also do all of the charges?

另一类人一贯坚持生活方式就是一星期头六天都在造孽,到星期日再求赎罪。The other group has a clinging lifestyle of sinning all week and seeking redemption on Sundays.

对于造孽者和受害者来说,不无视曾经真实发生的才是根本。It is essential for both perpetrators and victims not to turn their eyes away from what has really happened.

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今天,人们造孽,尚且有狗狗背负。而明天呢?人们应该深思!!!!!Today, people commit a sin, there are still a dog to bear. And tomorrow? People should think deeply! ! ! ! !

你一定要给穷人以他们最需要的帮助,虽然他们落在你的后面本是你的造孽。Be sure that you give the poor the aid they most need, though it be your example which leaves them far behind.

很遗憾他们在造孽,将犹太人从以色列他们的土地上驱逐走。You are participating regrettably in an immoral act – the exiling of Jews from their land in the land of Israel.

泽德,是我们公寓的一个保洁工人,也说上帝对世界各地的造孽者很愤怒,尤其是对海地人民。Zed, a housekeeper in my apartment complex, said God was angry at sinners around the world, but especially in Haiti.

我只觉得这是多造孽的一个人,他的一生,和别人的一生,和你我的一生……Making friends has never been my first priority in life. I have always been more concerned with getting a good job and making money.

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为此,要请专业装修单位施工,防止混入装修队伍的造孽分子入户作案。Therefore, residents should use professional decoration units and avoid criminals mixing with the decoration team and commit crimes.