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店小二应声来到程咬金身边。He answer to cheng bite gold side.

乒乒两枪,他应声倒地身亡。The gun spat twice and he fell dead.

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教练一出手,孩子便应声倒下。Coach a hand, the children will go down.

有几个人应声而起,跳起舞来了。Several men jumped up and jigged around.

一女子使劲擦了擦神灯,只听“扑”一声,一个精灵应声而出。A woman rubs a lamp and out pops a genie.

伴随着一声大叫,石锤应声落下。With a great cry, the stone clubs descend.

他敲了敲墙壁,她在隔壁应声回敲。He knocked on the wall and she knocked back.

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她敲了敲一户人家的门,一个男孩应声把门打开。She knocked at a door, and a boy answered it.

有人敲了一下墙壁,他应声回敲。Someone knocked on the wall and he knocked back.

仆人们应声在门廊下出现。The valet de chambre appeared on the door-steps.

终归我的运气好,老爸应声来到门口。But as luck would have it, Dad did answer the door.

随著他手上闪亮的斧头挥下,第一棵树应声而倒。With a swoop of his shining ax, the first tree fell.

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“她一哭起来就象一只喷水壶,”酒柜侍者应声说。"She cries like a sprinkling can, " the barman said.

可是没有人应声。窝棚里也并没有人钻出来。But there warn't no answer, and nobody come out of the wigwam.

帐后刘封、关平应声而出。From behind the curtains, Liu Feng and Guan Ping responded instantly.

如是说,青年掷之于地,剑应声而断。So saying, the young man hurled the sword to the ground, snapping it.

箫绕拍手,那边的侵犯行动应声停止。The Xiao rounds to clap hands, there of the aggression play echo to stop.

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更羸拉满弓,随着一声弓弦响,真的像更羸所说的那样,大雁应声落地。With the twang, the bird fell to the ground just as Geng Lei said before.

商业领袖周围通常只有应声者,没有人站出来反对他们。Business leaders typically only have yes-men – no one to stand up to them.

害怕如果应声开门的是母亲,我会因胆怯而对她说出那几个字。I was afraid if Mom answered that I would chicken out and tell her instead.