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没有人诅咒沙皇。None curse the Czar.

作为沙皇要做实事You have to do the work.

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沙皇是很辛苦的Being a czar was a busy job.

他在冷漠中成为了沙皇。He is a tsar in indifference.

哪个国家曾被沙皇统治过?Which country was ruled by tsars?

他们试图成为沙皇。They try their skill at being tsars.

革命和杀死沙皇都是伟大的事业吗?Revolution and regicide a grand fact?

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出现“血友病沙皇”也为期不远了。A haemophilia tsar cannot be far away.

1689年他全面掌权做了沙皇。He assumed full authority as tsar in 1689.

俄国沙皇一九一七年被推翻。The Czar of Russia was overthrown in 1917.

是的,抢夺谋杀杀死沙皇的思想。The idea of plunder, murder, and regicide !

美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。S. pay czar will give Benmosche leeway on pay.

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他也以沙皇之尊颁布有关日常生活的法令He promulgates decrees as czar about daily life.

你这个小屁孩,因为有一匹这样的马,沙皇曾将奖章授给了我。With a horse like that, the Czar gave me a medal.

俄国沙皇伊凡雷帝就是这样一个人。Russians are, Ivan de terrible is one such person.

美国“薪酬沙皇”将对他网开一面。The U.S. pay czar willgive Benmosche leeway on pay.

女沙皇彬彬有礼,但无疑并不愉快。Theczarina was polite but was definitely not amused.

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在鲍罗季诺,法军打败了沙皇军队。At Borodino the French overwhelmed the Czar's troops.

他讲述了俄国沙皇政府的种种阴谋诡计。He told about the intrigues of the Tsar's government.

把亚历山大一世的称号由“沙皇”更改为“将军”Changed Alexander I's title from 'tsar' to 'imperator'