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将这函件放入文卷总档中。Put this letter in the main file.

德文卷毛猫是一种很好的无毛猫种。Devon Rex is a great hairless cat.

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请将这些文件放入文卷总档。Please put these letters in the main file.

请把这些文件放入文卷总档中。FILE】Please put these letters in the main file.

经过强度评定计算,本文卷染机蒸罐矩形大开孔结构是安全的。By means of stress evaluation calculation, the rectangular large opening structure of this equipment is safe.

据都灵体育报报道,国米和尤文卷入巴塞罗纳球星德科的争夺战。Inter & Juve Fight It Out For DecoInter and Juventus are involved in a tug of war to sign Barcelona star Deco, according to Tuttosport.

信函里没有特别指明他的罪名,贯穿整个调查文卷中最常提到的是跨州传送黄色污秽物品的指控。The memo doesn't specify the crime, though mentioned throughout the file is the charge of interstate transportation of obscene material.

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突然间我悟出了这是我的养主给我的一个提示,给我的在这个伊历年最后一次机会来增加我的“文卷”的成绩。Suddenly it dawned upon me that I have just received a reminder from my Lord, giving me one last chance to improve my "grades" of my "report book" for this Hijjri year.

我看完文卷,从来只打下分数,不写批语,而注重在和每个人做半小时以内的课外谈话上。I only put marks but never give comments on the papers after reading them. Instead I lay emphasis on holding outside-class individual talks with them lasting not more than 30 minutes.

文中首先给出了知识动态提取方法的研究框架,该框架描述了由自然语言文卷到面向对象知识体系的转换过程。First of all, the paper gives a research framework of the proposed method, which describes the transformation process from natural language texts to object oriented knowledge architecture.

习惯上说,“作业”这个术语通常指的是作业的一种表述,这种表述可以包括一组计算机程序、一组文卷及一些给操作系统下达命令的控制语句。Loosely, the term" job" is sometimes used to refer to a representation of a job. This representation may include a set of computer programs, files, and control statements to the operating system.

对后文中重复出现的地名,只在第一次出现时列出重出的诗文卷数、篇名及诗文原句,以便查阅。Duplicates the geographic name to the after article in which appears, only when first time appears lists poem document number, name and prose original sentence which is heavy, in order to consults.