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犹疑不决的时候,就便放把火吧。When in doubt, set something on fire.

派蒂感到犹疑,因为这也许会引致其它的事端。Patty is hesitant because it may lead to other things.

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表示了决心,就没有犹疑的余地了。There is little room for doubt in a definitive statement.

如果人们总是打断你,你的语速就显得太慢或犹疑不决。If people often interrupt, your tempo may be too slow or halting.

维克多犹疑了一下,但他不愿意拿他儿子的性命来赌博。Victor hesitates, but can not take a chance at his son’s expense.

敏郎似乎有些犹疑地自言自语着。The quick Lang seems to be some to hesitate ground to soliloquize.

犹疑踯躅中,她抽出了那张卡片,手指禁不住颤抖起来。Her fingers were shaking, as she haltingly reached to get the card.

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我依然犹疑不决。我确实想放弃现在的工作。I'm still of two minds. But I do seem to like to quit my present job.

修二固然犹疑了一下,但还是答复说不想让光一个人。Fix 2 is a comedy, but still reply say don yd¡ 't want light a person.

威廉姆斯说,他被这个请求吓到了,并且有些犹疑。Mr. Williams said that he was taken aback by the request and demurred.

“决策犹疑不定,可能会十分危险。”萨弗斯通说。"Dithering on the decision can be really dangerous, " Safferstone says.

徐嘉惠又去了小店,这次,小店的老板犹疑了,降了价钱。XuJiaHui and go to the store, the shop owner, the undecided, down the price.

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男人在与他们压根儿不认识的人发生性关系时也绝少会犹疑。Men are also much less hesitant about having sex with someone they hardly know.

美国人是猎人,拿着猎枪,一发现猎物毫不犹疑地就瞄准。The Americans are the hunters who will point their gun at their prey without qualm.

别犹疑了,今天就订阅吧,不要错过这么精彩的花艺盛宴。So don't delay –subscribe today to make sure you don't miss out on any of these treats.

他的竞选者说他还将前往俄亥俄,宾夕法尼亚和佛罗里达这三大犹疑不决的州。His campaign says he will also go to the swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

他的竞选者说他还将前往俄亥俄,宾夕法尼亚和佛罗里达这三大犹疑不决的州。His campaign says he will also go to the swing states of Ohio, Pennsylvania and Florida.

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他有一次停下来,犹疑地说,我听的时候就像耳朵被人打了一拳。He stops at one point to say, haltingly, 'What I'm trying to hear is like a fist in my ear.'

圣经描述亚伯兰是一个充满信心的人,他毫不犹疑去顺服神,为我们树立了一个好榜样。The Bible portrays Abram as a man of faith whose prompt obedience serves as an example to us.

斯黛安的切口有些参差不齐,显示出一种犹疑或者说不确信。On Diana Sterling, there were a few jags in theincision, indicating hesitation, or uncertainty.