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他正在精编花篮,真是认真仔细啊。He is knitting a flower basket most carefully.

这个草编花篮十分精致。This reed-woven flower basket is very refined.

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她的婚礼花篮包括玫瑰和长春藤。Her wedding bouquet consisted of roses and ivy.

我的花篮空着,花儿我也没有去理睬。My basket was empty and the flower remained unheeded.

一天女仆终于将花花公子藏在了大花篮里。Finally one day she hid the playboy in her covered flower basket.

那一张原木的椅子,如同一只花篮,只是里里面躺着一支灰色的玫瑰。It is a log chair as one flower basket in which lies a gray rose.

茶道宗师千利休想把花篮挂到庭柱上。Sen no Rikyu, a tea-master, wished to hang a flower basket on a column.

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那一张原木的椅子,如同一只花篮,只是里里面躺着一支灰色的玫瑰。It logs a chair, as a basket of flowers, just lying there in a gray roses.

祖师传下来的一种花篮形式,更是陈陈相因,人家看得很熟。Founder-down form of a bouquet of flowers, is routinization, they see familiar.

孝天的花篮则排在右边,路人都看得到的地方。Ken's flowers were paraded on the right side visible to the people on the road.

其后紧跟几百人黑人妇女,她们拿着花篮、花圈以及十字架。Several hundred black women followed with baskets of flowers, wreaths and crosses.

病人可以使用手工编制的花篮、劳动力交换或小树来支付医疗费。Patients can pay with things like handmade baskets, labor exchanges or young trees.

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难道杰克也给你送了吊唁花篮?我不需要吊唁花篮,我了解杰克·拜斯。Did Jack send you condolence flowers, too?I don't need condolence flowers, I know Jack Bass.

会见前,胡锦涛向独立与人道主义纪念碑献花篮。Prior to the meeting, President Hu laid flowers to the Monument of Independence and Humanism.

还有花篮、宝塔以及各种神话幻想形象,千姿百态,逼真传神,既是美食又是工艺美术品。And a basket, pagodas and various myths fantasy image, and preached, both food and crafts items.

在黄昏的微光中,神来了,带着装满我记忆之花花篮,来到了我的面前,那些花依旧连结着初绽的鲜妍。God comes to me in the dusk of my evening with the flowers from my past kept fresh in his basket.

摩西摇篮花篮婴儿件设备,让一个孩子承担国家行动方案去。Bassinets and Moses baskets are pieces of baby equipment that allow a baby to take naps on the go.

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那一张原木的椅子,如同一只花篮,只是里里面躺着一支灰色的玫瑰。That log chair, if the identical basket of flowers, only is in inside is lying down a pessimistic rose.

演出结束后,两国总理赠送花篮,祝贺演出成功。At the end of the performance, the two prime ministers presented flower baskets to extend congratulations.

薇芸收到侮辱讽刺的花篮,生气捣毁,被元仁偷偷拍下照片。Eu non-success receives insult irony basket, angry destroyed, be yuan benevolence secretly filmed the photo.