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避免有多个性伴侣,要洁身自好。How to avoid sexual partners, to Clean.

我们洁身自好,却眼见种族灭绝吞没卢旺达。We stay out, and watch genocide engulf Rwanda.

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这能帮助一个工人洁身自好,远离麻烦。This can help a worker keep his nose clean or stay out of trouble.

让我如何自信,这世界上还有洁身自好的爱情。How can I believe thtowards there is still pure love in this world?

同时也告诫广大市民要洁身自好,不要参与赌博。Also warned the public to keep his nose clean, do not participate in gambling.

无论什么动机,我能洁身自好,我说过,爱情里,我绝不容忍游戏!Whatever the motivation, I can keep his nose clean, I said, love, I will not tolerate the game!

以下是全文,真希望没看过的能看一遍全文,哪怕不能拍案而起,在将来也至少做一个洁身自好的人。Maybe we are not brave enough to stand up. At least we can behave ourselves and be a good person.

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不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱但他是洁身自好有原则的男人,你会后悔当年的所作所为。Do not go to bed and others, it will encounter a Clean love but he is a man of principle, then you will regret it done.

还有最重要的,政治人物要洁身自好,特别是当选民要求政治人物这么做的时候。And, most of all, politicians need to keep their noses out of the trough and to leave power when their voters tell them to.

你们当中有多少人愿意洁身自好,对伴侣忠实,并希望伴侣也能和你一起维护一夫一妻的关系呢?How many of you would love to have a totally one-on-one committed relationship with someone totally focused and monogamous?

你们当中有多少人愿意洁身自好,对伴侣忠实,并希望伴侣也能和你一起维护一夫一妻的关系呢?How many of you would love to have a totally one-on-one committed relationship with someone totally focused and monogamous ?

诗人借花自喻,托物言志,显示出他洁身自好的高尚品质。The poet lends a flower from the Yu and gives thing speech ambition and displays his Jie body from the good and classic quality.

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倘若连他们都不能洁身自好,认可并展现出良好的价值观,又怎能指望下属编辑和业务人员奇迹般地一清二白呢?If they don't endorse and showcase a set of good values, how can their editorial and business staff be expected to miraculously come clean?

金季以王重阳、马钰为代表的早期全真教,以虔诚的信仰,谨严的操守,不官不仕洁身自好的独立人格著称于世。In the Jin Period, Chueng-yang Wang and Yu Ma were the representatives of Quan-Zhen Religion, know for their piety, integrity and personality.

没有人免于诽谤。最好的办法是对之不加理会,洁身自好,让世人说去吧---莫里哀,法国剧作家。No one is safe from slander. The best way is to pay no attention to it, but live in innocence and let the world talk---Moliere, French dramatist.

不要随便和别人上床,否则将来遇到一个真爱但他洁身自好有原则的男人,你会后悔当年的所做所为。Don't sleep with others as you wish. You are sure to regret when you you're your true Mr. Right in the future who accidentally requires a one-to-one relationship.

玻璃板背答包管绝差纯洁,擦拭时答用脱脂棉、纱布及无水酒不粗擦肮脏,包含不面平流、反平罩也答保留洁身自好。Glass plate surface shall ensure clean, wipe the cotton wool, gauze that is applied when and clean alcohol, including point lights, reflectors should keep spotlessly clean.

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当内裤、卫生纸成为民众贴在官员脸上的一种标签的时候,我们每一个都应该好好想一想,导致这种局面的仅仅是官员不能洁身自好吗?When the underwear, toilet paper has become the face of public officials posted on a label, we should each think about this situation led to the only government officials can not Clean living it?