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声音渐渐微弱。The sounds grew fainter.

他的呼吸变得微弱了.His breathing became faint.

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他的声音微弱地传到我们这儿。His voice came faintly to us.

开始你们还有微弱的光。First you still have dim light.

他以微弱的声音作无力的辩解。He bleated out a feeble excuse.

里面只有很微弱的回应。There was only a weak response.

我听到了一阵轻轻地,微弱的声音。I hear a slight, oh-so-faint noise.

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摩羯座的星光是比较微弱暗淡的。The stars of Capricornus are faint.

这意味着空气稀薄,风力微弱。This means thin air and weak winds.

屋里的那盏灯发出微弱的光线。The lamp in the room gave poor light.

但是相互依赖是微弱而不可靠的。But interdependency is a slender reed.

在讯号微弱的地方也能迅速定位。Extreme fast TTFF at low signal level.

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他小心翼翼地往微弱的火苗上加上更多的木头。He fed the young flame with more wood.

月亮作用于海水的引力相对微弱。The Moon's pull on this water is weak.

从那间小屋里传来了微弱的呻吟声。Weak groans came from the little room.

他借着微弱的电筒光看了条。He read the note in the dim torchlight.

看那微弱的星光与燃尽的太阳。See the wretched stars , burnt-out sun.

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“我们在这儿,”京京声音微弱地叫道。"We're here. " Jingjing shouted weakly.

一个微弱的带着哭腔的声音从正下方传来。A faint voice cried from directly below.

壁炉里微弱的火光在闪烁。A pathetic fire flickered in the hearth.