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做得我大汗淋漓。I really sweated.

马丁大汗淋漓。The sweat poured from Martin.

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她说,“真让人大汗淋漓啊。”"We've sweated for this, " she said.

恶心呕吐、大汗淋漓、呈虚脱状。Nausea and vomiting, sweating, and collapse.

马克在徒步走了三个小时后大汗淋漓。Mark was sweating bullets after hiking for three hours.

他大汗淋漓,有一滴从鼻尖滴了下去,差点滴到维修工的靴子上。The sweat drips from his nose and narrowly misses the man’s boot.

争取每周进行至少3次锻炼,每次30分钟,然后让自己大汗淋漓。Shoot for at least three 30-minute workouts weekly — and break a sweat.

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设想你身处在一个嘈杂的,人人都大汗淋漓的舞厅里,一名女士向你走了过来。You’re in a loud and sweaty Italian dance club when a woman approaches you.

马丁和乔两人脱得只剩下了内衣,光着膀子仍然大汗淋漓,喘不过气来。Martin and Joe, down to undershirts, bare armed, sweated and panted for air.

你愿意再次随着音乐舞到大汗淋漓吗?Will you like to go dancing to the tune of the music and sweating it out again?

1972年6月的一天,芝加哥圆形剧场挤满了大汗淋漓、疯狂摇摆的人们。It was mid-June, 1972, the Chicago Amphitheater was packed, sweltering, rocking.

刺击和佯攻接替着重击和速攻,我大汗淋漓,但这一切都只是徒劳。Thrusts and feints followed thick and fast, the sweat poured off me, but in vain.

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攀缘中的侯斌脸上大汗淋漓,双臂青筋暴出。Climbs Hou on the Bin face to sweat profusely , the double arm blue vein storm leaves.

于是他变回人类,重拾切石匠旧业,辛勤劳作,大汗淋漓。And a man he was, and in the sweat of his brow he toiled again at his trade of stone-cutting.

最让你舌头麻木、大汗淋漓、泪涕长流的菜品会是哪一道呢?What is the most tongue-numbing, sweat-inducing, sinus-clearing cooked dish you've ever tasted?

每当奶奶烹饪完食物后那大汗淋漓的样子,都让我们不堪入目。Whenever his grandmother cooking food after the end of that sweat like Lin Li, let us offensive.

车窗外,滑雪者们满脸通红大汗淋漓,嗖嗖地从雪坡上滑下,兴奋地喊着德语和法语。Skiers, flushed and sweaty in fluorescent powder suits, swooshed by, shouting in German and French.

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该院产科教授余桂梅介绍,杨倩茹来医院时脸色惨白、全身浮肿、大汗淋漓。Professor Yu Guimei introduce maternity hospital, Yang Qianru to hospital pale, body swelling and sweating.

每天顶着太阳,站军姿,走正步,大汗淋漓,有好多中暑的,但我依然忍受着。Braving the sun every day, stand Junzi take the goose, sweating, there are a lot of heat, but I still suffer.

几个月前,雷·拉克面试结束回到家,一屁股坐在卧室里,大汗淋漓。Ray Rucker came home from a job interview several months ago, sat down in his living room with his suit still on and wept.