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奥组委可以成立专司场馆管理事务的职能部门。The OCOG may establish a al area dealing with Venue Management aspects.

奥斯里斯专司衡量人间的是非功过。Awes the Reese special department weighs the world the right and wrong merit.

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奥组委可以成立专司场馆管理事务的职能部门。The OCOG may establish a functional area dealing with Venue Management aspects.

这是中国历史上第一个专司对外贸易的管理机构。This is the history of China's first specialized in foreign trade regulatory body.

也称为财宝天王,是四大天王中专司财富的保护神。He is also entitled the King of Wealth. He is the Guardian God of the Four Kings of the Heaven.

建立宪法法院专司宪法诉讼是我国宪政体制下较为理想的选择。Erecting constitutional court to rule the relief of action is an ideal project in our constitutionalism system.

不管怎样,你有一大群富有经验的内脏审查者,他们专司分析你的每一根血管,每一根筋。Anyway, you have a huge posse of experienced entrails -sifters who do nothing but analyze your every vein and lobe.

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有的变戏法,有的玩杂技,有的磨刀,有的说书,有的耍蛇,有的是兽医,有的专司纹身,有的编竹篮。And some are jugglers, acrobats, grindstone makers, story­tellers, snake charmers, animal doctors, tattooists, basketmakers.

为使这些举措更有吸引力,2005年政府指派猪口邦子出任大臣专司男女平等及社会工作相关事务。To put more steam behind such initiatives, the government in 2005 appointed a minister for gender equality and social affairs, Kuniko Inoguchi.

在多神论的宗教里,诸神或是自然现象或是历史伟人的神化,在自然界和人间各有专司。According to polytheistic religions, deities, deified natural phenomena and great figures in history play their own specialized roles in nature or on earth.

国王和王后的每一件衣服都只穿一次,虽然有御裁缝专司其事,他们却不知道穿上合身衣服的愉快。Kings and queens who wear a suit but once, though made by some tailor or dressmaker to their majesties, cannot know the comfort of wearing a suit that fits.

“无论从那个方面来说,这都是一种奇葩”,安东尼奥·兰毕介绍道,他来自非盈利性的环境保护组织,专司“安弟斯女王”的保护工作。"This is by almost any standard an extreme plant, " said Antonio Lambe, who works to preserve the Queen of the Andes through the nonprofit Acción Ambiental.

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但作为专司行政权力监督的制度,行政监察对这种现象的无奈与无力也是显而易见的。However, it is clear that, the administrative supervision, as a system focused on supervising administrative power , is helplessness and inability to control and change this phenomenon.

海关作为国家专司打击走私违法犯罪的职能机关,其缉私裁量权近年来也几经扩大,并已显露出超强大性的特征。As a functional department, the customs specializes in suppressing the crime of smuggling, the anti-smuggling discretion has already expanded these years and has shown strong characters.

她怒气冲冲地追着他们,简直象个小瘟神——猩红热或某个羽毛未丰的专司惩罚的这类小天使,其使命就是惩处正在成长的一代人的罪孽。She resembled, in her fierce pursuit of them, an infant pestilence- the scarlet fever, or some such half-fledged angel of judgment- whose mission was to punish the sins of the rising generation.

为此,罗马教皇在西欧普遍建立了专司侦审异端的宗教裁判所,由法朗西斯和多米尼克修士会的成员担任裁判官。Therefore, the Pope set up the inquisition which was an organization of investigating and examining heresy in most countries of the Western Europe. Its judgments are the Francises and the Dominicans.