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人们的社会存在决定人们的意识。Men's social existence determines their consciousness.

人权是当今国际社会存在尖锐对立的一个焦点问题。The problem of human rights is the focus of global conflicts.

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很久以来日本社会存在的问题就是日本家庭十分不愿意花钱。Japan's problem has long been that its households are unwilling to spend.

互利性人格是一种社会存在,在社会转型时期尤显突出。The mutual personality exists in societies, especially in transformative periods.

他还说,目前德国社会存在一个需要弥合的数码代沟。Still, Scheer said, there was a digital divide in Germany that needed to be bridged.

环境范畴的产生,是社会存在及其发展的逻辑产物。The category of environment is the logical result of social existence and development.

大学的社会存在在变化,大学理念也必须相时而变。As universitys social being has been changeable, its-idea must be changed as time goes on.

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占有社会与非占有社会存在道学上的差别。There are Daoist differences between the possessive society and the non-possessive society.

交往是人的实践活动的一个方面,是人的社会存在的基本方式。Intercourse, an aspect of man's practical activities, is the basic mode of social existence.

很多人指出,这样的行为对于消除印度社会存在的偏见没有什么作用。Many pointed out that such texts did little to remove existing prejudices in Indian society.

六十亿人口共有一个地球,每一个社会存在都和其他人具有相同的重要性。Six billion people live on this planet. Each and every one is worth just as much as the next.

高加索对诗人来说既是一种自然存在,又是一种社会存在。For him, Caucasia was not only a kind of natural existence, but also a kind of social existence.

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那么,不但所谓的多元化、差异性得不到保证,连人的社会存在都成了问题。As a result, not only can pluralism and otherness not be ensured, but also the human existence is doubtful.

抛开这些大问题,索厄尔还抨击西方知识分子对社会存在误解。Putting aside those bigger issues, Sowell slams Western intellectuals for their misconceptions about society.

可以说,清政府制定的关于内地穆斯林和伊斯兰教的政策其基点正是出于解决甘宁青穆斯林社会存在的问题。The aim of inner Muslim and Islam policy was to deal with the issues happened in Gan-Ning-Qing Muslim region.

社会自我批判包含了对社会认识的批判和对社会存在这个“原本”的批判。Social self-criticism includes criticism of social cognition and the "original" criticism of social existence.

正义之所以重要,在于它是保持社会存在、维持社会秩序正常运转的最基本的因素。Justice is important because it is the elementary factor which preserve existence of society and maintain society order.

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社会自我批判包含了对社会认识的批判和对社会存在这个“原本”的批判。The being of social self-criticism is a social and historical process, and only under "certain conditions" can it happen.

和谐社会是指社会自身诸要之间的和谐,指与社会存在和发展相关的各种关系之间的和谐。Harmonious society refers to the harmony coexisting among the miscellaneous social factors in their developmental process.

这种体系也没有西方社会存在的专利和公司知识产权的概念。This was also a system without patents or even firm notions of intellectual property, at least as we know them in the West.