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你也可以用枣子泡茶。You can make tea with jujubes, too.

我们摇树时,枣子纷纷落下。Dates showered down when we shook the tree.

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点心房里在喊着要枣子和温柏呢。They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.

一枝侧枝长出许多小又酸的枣子。A sucker from the jujube yields tiny sour fruits.

乳媪点心房里在喊着要枣子和榅桲!NURSE They call for dates and quinces in the pastry.

在这片沃土上,农民种植玉米、水稻、小米、豆米和枣子。On it farmers grow maize, rice, millet, beans and dates.

有枣子、栗子、龙眼和花生。The nuts include Chinese dates, chestnuts, longans and earthnuts.

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我们不能告诉别人我们吃不上饭,我们只能悄悄地拿几个枣子充饥。We can't tell others that we cannot afford a feast or a proper meal.

我应该养了19头,除了草料,每天都喂它们枣子跟核桃。I have 19 in total and I feed them dates and walnuts as well as grass.

于是,他卖掉了羊群,买了些枣子,装船出发了。Therefore, he sold the sheep, bought some Jujubes, starting a shipment.

义乌大枣是我国优良枣子品种之一。Zizyphus jujuba of Yiwu is one of fine species of jujube in our country.

既大又红的枣子叫人见了垂延三尺。Both large and red dates Jiaoren met with vertical extension of three feet.

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桃花儿开,杏花儿落,枣子开花吃馍馍。Peach child opened, apricot children down, flowering dates to eat steamed bun.

用来开胃的是一束新鲜的黄色枣子,以及暗红的酸果汁。The appetizers were a bunch of fresh yellow dates, plus dark-red cranberry juice.

枣子、蔓越苺和红葡萄的抗氧化剂含量很高,他说。Dates, cranberries and red grapes have high concentrations of antioxidants, he said.

在繁星点点的夜空下品尝传统的咖啡和枣子,为你的晚餐划下句点Finish your meal with traditional coffee and dates outside under the star-filled night sky.

树莓是他最喜欢的水果,吃时从不加奶油,他还很喜欢装在盒子里的枣子。Raspberries were his favourite fruit, served without cream, and he was very fond of dates in boxes.

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应该不会,我怀孕的时候也贫血,多吃点补血的东西就可以了,比如说赤豆、枣子等。Should not, I am pregnant when anemia, eat more points Buxue things you can, for example, beans, dates and so on.

枣子洗净后去核,以大火蒸约40分钟至软,盛起,留用。Rinse the dates and cored, steam over high heat for approximately 40 minutes until soften, dish out and ready to use.

酒体中性,富橡木香草气息,口感柔顺,热带水果及枣子味道浓郁,余韵悠长。Medium-bodied red wine with oak and vanilla smell, it has tropical fruits and dried date character in lingering finish.