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但是最后你还是难逃现实的羁绊,因为现实总是让你失望。And reality inevitably disappoints you.

我们之间唯一的羁绊,叫刻骨铭记。We only between fetter, called my mind.

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那么你就自由于法律和所有的羁绊之外。Then you become free of all laws and all gravity.

“尝试”是戴着过去的羁绊,走向前方的努力。Trying is an effort forward with ties to the past.

爱不能成为羁绊,所以要选择放手。Love should not be a fetter , so I chose to let you go.

抛却你和财物间的羁绊吧——没有羁绊,就没有担忧。Let go of your attachment to things—no attachment, no worry.

当然有时候也需要不受羁绊和一点点的自由。But we do need a little freedom from our leashes on occasion.

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远离羁绊,远离艺术,白昼抹掉了,功课已完成Away from hooks, away from art, the day erased, the lesson done

所有的纠缠和羁绊、是毁灭还是救赎。All the entanglement and the fetter, is destroyed or redemption.

别太钻牛角尖,这只会成为你日后的羁绊。Don't be too single-minded. It will only serve to bind you later on.

可是有一天,她决定要跳出这个世界的羁绊。Yet one day, she decided to leap out the constrictions of her world.

偌大天空,人有了羁绊,就不会随着蒲公英漫天飘浮。Big sky, people have the fetter, will not as wild taraxacum floating.

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你拥有的羁绊越少,你给自己带来的忧虑就越少。The less attachment you have, the less anxiety you bring into your life.

那么,挣断铁链,我的小船,摆脱羁绊,无畏地冲向你的毁灭吧!Then break your chain, my boat, and be free, and fearlessly rush to your wreck.

如果在有限的流年里,都要考虑到重重的羁绊而放弃自己想要的生活。If in a limited life, must consider the heavy fetter and give up the life you want.

处于这种状态,人才能不受任何羁绊,不给自己的心留一点缺憾,获得心灵的自由。To be in this condition, you can have no halter and gain the freedom of your heart.

上帝的语言意味着与上帝合一,在心智上不受世俗的羁绊。The language of God means integrating your character with God and being uncorrupted.

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亲爱的朋友,如果没有现实的羁绊,你愿意做什么呢?My dear friends, if, without shackled by the real life, what kind of life do you want?

由于阿纳金的教导,我的确感觉到,阿索卡正在形成相似的情感羁绊问题。Due to Anakin's teaching, I do feel that Ahsoka is developing similar attachment issues.

我们都为喧嚣、荆棘和吵闹所羁绊!人人口口声声不要数典忘祖。All about us is noise and bramble, thorn and din, each one of our ancestors on our tongues.