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头顶上,响亮的白头翁在抢占它们的树枝overhead loud grackles are claiming their trees

一只白头翁在喷泉池中冲凉Starlings cool off in a fountain in Washington DC

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白头翁绒毡层为分泌型。Tapetum of Pulsatilla chinensis is of secretory type.

白头翁和紫罗兰,它们早就腐烂。The wind-flower and the violet, they perished long ago.

他日樽前如把臂,莫惊我已白头翁。Future Zunqian such as the arm, I have Pulsatilla scare.

还似今朝歌酒席,白头翁入少年场。Also like today banquet song, Baitouweng in a young field.

今年窗外第一只白头翁出现了。The first Chinese Bulbul shows up outside the window this year.

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对原白头翁素衍生物的稳定性进行了多方面的研究。Various studies on the stability of Protoanemonin derivatives, have finished.

内蒙古白头翁属植物的分类及其生态地理分布。Classification and eco-geographical distribution of the genus Pulsatilla Adans. in Nei Mongol.

杂食性的白头翁已逐渐入侵乌头翁的领域。The omnivorous White-Headed Weng has already gradually invaded the territory of the Wu-T'ou Weng.

聆听白头翁们在早晨问候朝阳,会带给爱鸟人以喜悦。Listening to grackles greet the morning sun on a spring morning fills a bird lover's heart with joy.

一小束素净的铃兰和周围群艳的玫瑰、水仙、郁金香、白头翁相映成趣。A tiny bunch of lilies contrasted sharply with the vivid roses, daffodils, tulips and anemones that surrounded it.

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本文指出内蒙古是我国白头翁属植物集中分布的地区。In this paper, it is indicated that Nei Monggol area is the distributional center of the genus Pulsatilla in China.

结论加味白头翁配方颗粒治疗湿热内蕴型溃疡性结肠炎安全。Conclusion Jiawei Baitouweng granule has a safe and obvious therapeutic efficacy on the damp-heat ulcerative colitis.

在正常添加量范围内复方白头翁散对小白鼠生长发育、各主要脏器基本无影响和毒性作用。There are no influence and toxicity on the growth of mice and all the major organs if we add the amount in the normal range.

路易斯安那巴吞鲁日附近出现数百只死亡的红翅黑鸟、椋鸟、麻雀和白头翁。Several hundred dead red-winged black birds, starlings, sparrows, and grackles have now turned up in Louisiana near Baton Rouge.

去看看白头翁花,如果你愿意,再去看看豌豆畦,或是那样倔强地将手臂伸过城市街道的野草。Look to the rue anemone, if you will, or the pea patch, or to the stubborn weed that thrusts its shoulders through a city street.

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对板蓝根、四环素、庆大霉素以及白头翁、红霉素、青霉素等表现为低度敏感或耐药。The S aureus showed less sensitive or tolerance to isatis root, tetracycline, gentamicin, pulsatilla chinensis, erythromycin, penicillin and so on.

目的制备白头翁素贴片,为白头翁素经皮制剂的开发提供依据。Objective To prepare anemonin patches with higher transdermal flux in order to provide proof for the development of anemonin transdermal preparation.

目的观察白头翁汤合二仙汤加减治疗绝经期后妇女下尿路感染的疗效。Objective To observe the clinical effects of "Baitouweng Decoction" and "Erxian Decoction" in treating lower urinary infection of postmenopausal women.